Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I need answers...

I know this is NOT a pretty sight.

Thanks to the blog world I had this whole thing documented from a year ago, so I could go back and review the situation.  
You can go HERE to read the details.
I am AMAZED, it is the EXACT same thing.  Luckily I had some eye drops and medicine from before so I have been able to relieve the pain until I can get into my eye specialist.
Oh, and to add to my story from before, I am on my second specialist, the first one had me going to Kaneohe like three times a week and each time would tell me to increase my dosage of eye drops from two times a day until it was every hour.  After no results I switched to a different specialist who has given me two steroid shots in my eye ball.  The first one lasted for two months the second one never really cleared up my vision and that was about 4 months ago.  And now we start the whole process all over again, YAY for me :)
Please if anyone can relate to this or have heard of anyone with this same problem, let me know.  I want to get it taken care of and over with so I can just get lasik surgery done and not have to worry anymore!  I am assuming this has something to do with a bad fitting of contacts, but who knows I could be way off and it could have something to do with allergies or a tumor.
Any ideas?


stef j. said...

oh my gosh!!! so what's wrong?? i went back and read the old posts and it doesn't look like there was ever a diagnosis...

The Bottjer Family said...

I've had a really hard time with my eyes the past few months- they've been really red and puffy just like yours. They were also super sensitve to light and I couldn't leave my house, drive, or even have the lights on- it was miserable. The doctor also just gave me eyedrops and that was it. It finally went away after 3 months, but comes back every so often for a day or two. I never found out what it was- but he thought it was allergy related- to pollen and parts of hay fever. But, I did notice that if I wore my glasses (really inconvenient) and I slept more it helped. I also put cold ice packs on my eyes (for as long as I could handle) and it helped with the burning and throbbing. My doctor also said not to wear any makeup for a while and throw away all my old stuff. Sorry I can't be of much more help than that. Good luck.

Keiko said...

I so understand you wanna get lasik surgery. Jared is against it, so I'm not sure I'm getting one. My brother had one last year, and he is loving it, and another brother is getting one soon. I hadn't had those worst eye irritation since we moved here. Could be the combination of many things. (like beach, sunscreen, sand, dust, and I dont' know what else . . .) I know it's no help, but I hope you'll get better!

liko said...

i was gonna say pink eye when i saw the picture, but then it doesn't fit the description. i hope you can get a diagnosis soon and not have to keep having this re-occur!

janica said...

holy cow shanae.... Im sorry you're dealing with that again.

Kierstin said...

I was blogging surfing tonight and came across your blog. It looks like (and sounds like) Iritis to me, especially since it is a recurring problem. I'm guessing that your eyedrops are a topical corticosteroid, I would ask your physician what he thinks about getting you a systemic steroid as well to help control it. Good luck!

Lacey Loughmiller said...

I came across your blog via my friend Mijken Telford's blog.

I had a similar problem with my eyes and it was caused because I wasn't taking my contacts out like I was supposed to. My eye doctor said that I caused an ulcer in my eye and it will continue to reoccur on occasion. I have to use steriod drops to keep it at bay. I would suggest that you ask your eye specialist if it could be an ulcer. I can no longer were my contacts because of the scar that I have on my eye caused by the ulcer so I am saving my pennies for lasik surgery.

Hope that this helps!

Kristiane said...

Hey Shanae! I was blog surfing in hopes of getting the scoop about my 10 year reunion (which I sadly had to miss) and was bummed to come across your photo. Being in my ophthalmology residency - it definitely caught my attention. I have a few thoughts but they may take up too much "comment" space. If you're interested, feel free to email me at If not, no worries. I just hope you get to feeling better soon. Eye pain is NO FUN!!!!

Sibbett_Ohana said...

Sorry about your situation, hope you get better. If i hear of anyone having this i'll blog. Take care!!

Lacey Loughmiller said...


I am glad that my comment might be of some help to you! My eye doctor says that I am definitely a candidate for the lasik surgery so as soon as I can get the money saved I am going for it!! My vision does go in and out of focus when the ulcer flares up, it gets really annoying and it itches and burns something awful. The steroid drops really help.

I hope that things get better for you.

Hauni said...

This is so crazy because the same thing has been happening to me. It's re-accured 4 times in the past 2 months. The last time was on Sunday and my eye was very swollen, red and hurt. I went to an Insta-care and they said I could have Glaucoma or hay fever that attacks the eye. Then I went to my eye doctor and he said they were wrong and gave me the whole "it's your contact solution" talk. I really don't think that's it but I have no answers. It's so frustrating!!! Sorry I'm no help but if I figure out what's wrong with me I'll let you know! Good Luck!!