Saturday, June 27, 2009

Howard Family:sneak peek

I know a sneak peek should only be like one photo, right? 
well I struggle when choosing only one :)
I now have a photo blog in which I will be posting all of my shoots at.
I will put the sneak peeks on this blog and the rest of the shoot will be at:
Or click on my logo to your right ;)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

little fish

Kali and Lili are just little fish in the water.  
They are doing such a good job!  
I am excited to put Kali into swimming lessons next month. 
 I want to see how much more she will excel with an instructor other than myself.  My kids just tend to listen better and learn quicker from others. 

Krew and Nate did really well in the water today as well.  
I think it helped that it was low tide and no waves.

After swimming we took naps, then it was off to hula class.  
Today was their first time and they LOVED IT!!!! 
It was so cute today, while I was trying to de-junk Kali's room, Lili and Kali were playing and I was asking Kali what things she wanted to keep and what she wanted to get rid of.  I found one of her My Little Ponies and asked, "Kali, do you want to keep your My Little Pony?"  to which Lili quickly replied, "that is Kali's little pony."

My monkey's on the playground.

summer lovin

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I need answers...

I know this is NOT a pretty sight.

Thanks to the blog world I had this whole thing documented from a year ago, so I could go back and review the situation.  
You can go HERE to read the details.
I am AMAZED, it is the EXACT same thing.  Luckily I had some eye drops and medicine from before so I have been able to relieve the pain until I can get into my eye specialist.
Oh, and to add to my story from before, I am on my second specialist, the first one had me going to Kaneohe like three times a week and each time would tell me to increase my dosage of eye drops from two times a day until it was every hour.  After no results I switched to a different specialist who has given me two steroid shots in my eye ball.  The first one lasted for two months the second one never really cleared up my vision and that was about 4 months ago.  And now we start the whole process all over again, YAY for me :)
Please if anyone can relate to this or have heard of anyone with this same problem, let me know.  I want to get it taken care of and over with so I can just get lasik surgery done and not have to worry anymore!  I am assuming this has something to do with a bad fitting of contacts, but who knows I could be way off and it could have something to do with allergies or a tumor.
Any ideas?

Crabs and Geckos

Flashback 3 years ago.
Kali and Rigby.
Rigby caught a frog and came to show us.

Flashforward.  The Peltons are visiting Hawaii and asked us to go with them to catch
 crabs on the beach.  The kids had a great time running around and finding crabs with their flash lights.  It was pretty entertaining.
We let all the crabs go and then headed home.  On the way home the kids caught geckos.  Rigby also caught a frog, but I didn't allow it in the house this time :)
Gechos only.

Rigby and Halia

Kali and Halia are a few months apart

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


We searched far and wide for the perfect camp spot but finally we found it.

Kim catering to the little ones.

So we thought it would be funny to poor vinegar into a water bottle and give it to the kids to try.  They didn't think it was so funny.  Nate was the first victim and he drank the most and had the best face, but ran off so quickly I couldn't get a picture of him.  Then Kaiya and Kali and Lili. Kaiya kept saying, "Why?  Why, would you do that?  Why?"

Then Kaiya danced for us.

After dinner Nate just leaned up against the tent and relaxed.


Aaron made me the PERFECT s'more.