Monday, January 26, 2009


This happens to be the zip code to my bro Nathan's residence. Beverly Hills. He is a graduate of USC, he is in media production, he is a business man, an artist, he is passionate about life, he is an awesome friend, he is an amazing uncle, and I am so blessed to have him as a brother. I miss you and I love you!


and Happy Chinese New Year :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I am one lucky women, I have married a super hero. He is known as the hulk, a modern day Nephi, Goliath... the list is endless. Others give him these nicknames because of his massive size and dedication to working out and keeping a healthy body, but he is a super hero in my eyes, because of ALL he is able to do. He is still working full time, going to school full time, which is enough for one single man to deal with, but Aaron also is an AMAZING husband and father. In the few hours he has to himself, if his homework is done, he is spending time with the family and helping me with the house and the kids. A few weeks ago, he could tell I really needed some help so he decided to take Kali to the mall with him to the new bounce house place. Then he decided Kali would have much more fun if all of her friends went with her. She was sure he could handle them all himself. I am sure he would have done just fine, however, I suggested he take Derek with him, "just in case." Thanks Derek for being so willing so go spend time with Aaron and let the girls have fun, while giving us moms a break :) The girls had a blast and keep talking about their next outing with Uncle Aaron and Uncle Derek to the bounce house place.

Aaron took all of these pictures. I know what you are thinking he is better than me and he hasn't even taken any photography classes. He is a natural, he is the creative, artsy one in the family.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Joy

Aaron's Dad David and step mom Joy came out to Hawaii to visit us and to celebrate Joy's birthday!! It was so nice to spend time with them. This was their first time seeing Krew, and Krew absolutely loved them :)

Joy and I went horseback riding along the beach, which was the one thing she really wanted to do. We all ate at Ted's bakery, played at the beach in Waikiki, went to the PCC laua and night show, with out the kids (thanks Kim and Hillary). We were able to just hang out and enjoy visiting with each other. It was so nice to get to see them. Thanks for coming out to visit.

Kahana Valley fish pond

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day :) We spent our day at the fish pond. Lili and Kali had a good time floating around in the water. Lili thought is was pretty cool that should could touch even when she went really far out. Kali was a little skeptical and was afraid a fish was going to bite her. While Aaron walked around in the water with the girls, Krew and I hung out on the beach and he played in the sand. Kali had fun running and jumping onto her floaty. It took her a couple tries before she actually landed it. I liked to see her not give up and keep trying.