Thursday, May 28, 2009

2009 Spring Olympics

          Date:   Saturday, May 30th, 2009
                            Place:  BYU-Hawaii Cannon Activity Center
 Time:  9:00 am - 10:30 am

It is Cassandra's Gymnastics, Annual Spring Olmpics
Family and friends are all invited to attend.  

I call Taylor my little model, when ever she sees the camera, she smiles for me :)
This year they will performing on all 4 events.  Bars, Floor, Balance Beam and Vault.
Krew was so cute trying to do everything the girls were doing.
Then he found this ball and was totally content.
Such a boy.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Kali loves her "big" pink silky blanket, 
she rubs it when trying to go to sleep and still sucks her thumb.
I say big blanket, because Hillary gave her a smaller pink silky blanket so she could take that with her instead of carting around the big one.  So Kali refers to this one as her "big" pink silky.

Does anything look wrong in this picture?
I know she is probably deficient in something.
I have found her several times sneaking into the fridge
 and slicing bites out of the cube of butter.

Kali my beautiful fireball full of energy.
She keeps me on my toes, constantly needing to be doing something and at the same time teaches me so much, I love the pure innocence of a child.

Kali's favorite songs right now 
Jason Mraz, "I'm Yours" and Bob Marley, "Three Little Birds"
She refers to them as the "no more" and "don't worry about a thing" songs.
Kali's favorite color: Pink
She can recite the first and second Articles of Faith and is working on the third one.
She counts to 20.
She is loving to learn how to spell.
She can spell K-A-L-I
and J-O-N-E-S.
She loves to pray.  When ever someone asks who wants to pray she always volunteers.  It someone else is chosen to pray, she still wants a turn after them :)
I love my little Kali girl, she keeps me on the straight and narrow, 
and is quit the little mother to Krew.  She is my helper and my friend.  
I am so glad my Father in Heaven entrusted me to have her as my daughter.

Krew at 14 months

a little bit about my little man
he has the cutest little freckles on his nose that i LOVE!
His smile and laugh still melt my heart

He seeks adventure and never looks back, I have to keep a close eye on him or he is long gone.  He is at the age where he wants to do EVERYTHING his big sister is doing.  He is a big boy now.
he is really into music, he loves to dance, sing and play the ukulele
he loves to swing and play on the playground and can pretty much climb up anything

He loves cars!  Big or small, pushing or riding, he tries to put his foot into Kali's barbie car and gets frustrated when it doesn't fit.  He gets really excited when I let him sit in the drivers seat in our car and he gets to pretend to drive.
Krew also loves balls.  We made the mistake of not bringing a ball to the beach the other day and a little girl sat down a little way from us with a ball.  Krew saw it immediately and would stop at nothing to get it.  He is a persistent little bugger.
Krew loves his daddy, every morning he wakes up he runs into our room saying, "da da."  Krew is such a cuddler and loves giving hugs and kisses.  Auntie Hillary just taught him to blow kisses too.  The other day someone waved to us and Krew blew them a kiss :)
He loves the water and has always known how to hold his breath under water.  We were at the beach the other day and he was under for about 10 seconds and he didn't swallow any water.
Krew likes to get into anything and everything he is not supposed to.  When ever he is quiet I definitely worry and know he is getting into something.  I like to call him the destroyer.  He loves to throw books on the ground off the shelf, he likes to throw the computer mouse on the ground, when ever he is eating from a bag he will sit so nicely and eat, until I turn my back for a second and he dumps the contents all over the floor :)
Boys will be boys :)
He is such an awesome little man and I am so glad to have him in my life!

Soap Factory

This place was so cool.  It was originally a sugar mill now turned into a soap factory making natural organic soaps smelling of plumeria, coconut cream, kukui nut, pineapple, papaya mango and mint chocolate just to name a few.  This place smelled heavenly. 

all of the samples to smell
Kali and Brylie watching the demonstration
Kali's favorite smell, mint chocolate

learning how the soap is made and cut into bars

they gave us sample soaps to engrave the soap factory name into
grab a soap, mallet, and stamp and pound it in

and there it is the name imprinted into the soap, so cool
old display and articles from when it was a sugar mill
they gave us these cute bags with information about the soap factory, their website and a place to put our soap
the whole group
after the soap factory Kali, Krew and I headed to the park to eat our lunch, then to Matsumoto's for shave ice, and last stop was Waialua Bakery to check out their yummy menu everyone is raving about
Kali was such a big sister sharing with Krew.  He loved it and as soon as he wanted more he would say,"aaaahhhh" I guess we need to work on him saying please:)