Monday, October 26, 2009

Aloun Farms Pumpkins Patch

This was our third year at the Aloun Farm Pumpkin Patch and it will be our last.  
Am I sad?, NO WAY!!  I am excited for the Country Mercantile Harvest Fest next year, it blows this place out of the water.  I am sad my kids didn't get to go this year.
For those of you who don't know my parents own a store in Pasco called the Country Mercantile and each holiday is a huge event.  What am I saying everyday is a party at the Country Mercantile :)

OK, back to the Aloun Farms Pumpkin Patch
It has been a tradition now for Kali to always go for a horse ride, which she loves, can't you tell by the first picture:)

That's better. See I didn't force her to ride:)
The little carnival area.

we cannot ever leave an event with out going in the bounce house and on the slide, 
numerous times of course.
Time to pick the perfect pumpkin.
She was so sweet, she was very concerned about picking the perfect pumpkin for Krew since he wasn't able to be there.
This is the one.  
She said he needed a smaller one because he was little.

It is kind of fun to see your kids do things that remind you of yourself, like sitting very un-lady like.  My girl friends always gave me such a hard time, but it is comfortable :)  

There we go that is better, she is also very lady like.


The kids went to the Dentist, Krew for his first time and they did AWESOME!!!  No cavities and they both just sat so still while getting their teeth cleaned.  

So of course their good behavior was rewarded with Orange Tree.  It is a self serve frozen yogurt place.  You get a cup and fill it up with as much frozen yogurt and toppings as you want.  They just weigh it at the end and charge you by weight.  

Since it took us an hour to drive to the Dentist and only 1/2 an hour at the appointment we decided to go for a walk.
We checked out the harbor and all the fish in the water.  Krew is obssessed with water, when ever he could see it he would repeat over and over again.  Watta, Watta.
We ended up and this fun little lagoon that the kids played in.  I should know living in Hawaii to always pack their swimming suits where ever we go.
They had the time of their life and Krew DID NOT want to leave.  He was in HEAVEN!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kali and Krew

when you are born in Hawaii climbing coconut trees is second nature :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

the destroyer

Krew is 19 months now, and I guess that is the age that little boys go through the stage of SERIOUS destructiveness.  I can not let him out of my sight, because IF i do things like this happen:
There are a million other pictures I need to take of him destroying, 
but some of the things he does lately on a day to day basis, if I am not glued to his hip are:
using his cup in the bath tub to flood the bathroom floor
ANYTIME he eats when he is finished he throws his food on the floor, or just flips over his bowl or plate upside down, I am learning to have lighting fast reflects to grab his plate or food mid air to eliminate a huge mess.
As soon as he is done drinking his beverage whether it be milk, water or juice it gets turned upside down and goes splashing onto the floor. (I know I can do something about this one, he is now being demoted back to his sippy cup:)
In the same day he decided he is done sleeping in his crib and he learned out how to open our screen door so he can escape outside.
Because of his crib decision anytime I go in to get him from his nap the bedroom is completely torn apart.
Even though this little destroyer is keeping me on my toes and making so many messes he is still so much fun!  His laugh and smile always put me in a good mood.


Monday, October 19, 2009

500th POST!!

I have been pondering on what I should write for my 500th post!  And it came to me about a week ago as I was scrubbing my kitchen floor, I heard a talk that touched my soul, a talk that moved me to tears and continues to move me each time that I listen to it.  Aaron was playing it in the other room and it was at that moment I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to post for my 500th POST!

I want to echo Jeffery R. Holland's talk,
 "Safety for the Soul" 
from the 179th LDS General Conference.

"I want it absolutely clear when I stand before the judgment bar of God that I declared to the world, in the most straightforward language I could summon, that the Book of Mormon is true, that it came forth the way Joseph said it came forth and was given to bring happiness and hope to the faithful in the travail of the latter days."

This touched my soul, EVERYTHING he testified is true.  He put it all so poetically and perfect.

"Now, I did not sail with the brother of Jared in crossing an ocean, settling in a new world. 
I did not hear King Benjamin speak his angelically delivered sermon. 
I did not proselyte with Alma and Amulek nor witness the fiery death of innocent believers. 
I was not among the Nephite crowd who touched the wounds of the resurrected Lord, nor did I weep with Mormon and Moroni over the destruction of an entire civilization. 
But my testimony of this record and the peace it brings to the human heart is as binding and unequivocal as was theirs. Like them, “[I] give [my name] unto the world, to witness unto the world that which [I] have seen.” And like them, “[I] lie not, God bearing witness of it."

I too, want to stand before the judgement bar of God and know that I declared to the world that,
I know the Book of Mormon IS the word of God.  
I know that Joseph Smith translated every word with the help from our Heavenly Father and that it is PERFECT.  
I know that when I read the Book of Mormon, it inspires me, guides me and brings a peace to my heart that I do not feel when I neglect reading it.  I am so blessed to have this precious book in my life that I have turned to and received many answers and confirmations from.  
I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and cares about me and knows that I struggle and is mindful of me.  I am so blessed and so grateful to have the gospel in my life and to have the answer to life's questions that so many people in the world are still asking and wondering about.
I know God lives. 
I know Jesus died for us that we might live again,  
and that he has a body of flesh and blood just like we do. 
I know that Jesus atoned for our sins and that we can repent and be forgiven.
I know that when we truly repent, he does completely forgive and forget, so we are clean again.
I know that God the Eternal Father, his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three separate and distinct beings, being one in purpose.

I have always, and will ALWAYS have a testimony of the truthfulness of these things.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

TVA Gap Models

So today I spent some time taking head shots of the kids for the Gap Casting Call.

Can you tell they are related? :)

It was a little bright for these girls and they couldn't keep their eyes open, so they thought this would help :)
 that's better