Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Apparently these slippers were not our smartest purchase for back to school shopping.
At the kindergarten orientation we were informed that there were 3 rules 
when it came to dressing standards and one of those were 
NO SLIPPERS or flip flops is what they call them here on the mainland;)
Luckily they were on sale 1.99 each.
As you see they are going to get their money's worth of wear.

i like the way he moves

On Saturday, Aaron took Kali and Krew to work so I could get some rest and relaxation.
Kolt and I hung out and of course I had to get some pictures of my little man 
crawling, standing and laughing.
no teeth yet.
 Kolt has started pulling himself up against everything, the wall, the couch and the entertainment center.
He likes to adjust the volume when watching a movie, to VERY LOUD.
He will randomly let go and go tumbling to the ground.  He is still working on his balance.
As far as crawling goes, he likes to mainly pull himself across the floor with his arms,
having a little assistance from his feet.
He has tried the hands and knees crawling a few times, but it is very slow,
so he just reverts to the pulling with his arms method.
He also can be found in plank position, just practicing his form for push-ups.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Kali's First Day of Kindergarten

I finally chose to have Kali go to Adams Elementary's afternoon kindergarten class.
It is the closer school and just seems to be the right fit for me right now.

Kali was so excited for her first day of school.
She has been waiting for this day for A LONG TIME!
She was excited to ride her bike to school.
We got there a few minutes early, so all the kids were playing on the playground.
Kali did not want to take her backpack off, and she had to show everyone that she
had mastered the monkey bars.
When we got into her classroom, everything was labeled with their names.
Where their backpacks were supposed to go...
Where they sat, and they even had name tags to put around their neck.
 Kali had no problems with me leaving, she was ready to learn;)
 She loves her teacher Mrs. Garrido.
 I was so excited for Kali to start school and get to start this new phase in her life.
Maybe I am a little weird, but I love when my kids have the opportunity to grow and learn, 
it stead of being sad, I was really excited for her.