Monday, January 11, 2010

Winter Wonderland

So this is our new home. Sadly my camera is not adjusting so well to the cold weather so it is in the shop. In the meantime I will have to use my camera phone.

We are now into our second week in our new home and Aaron is excited about his new classes and teachers. He is starting is internship right away as well.
The kids and I are spending our days having school time, workout time and play time: snowmobiling, sledding and jumping off the roof into the snow.

Sorry I have not been specific in what is going on and EXACTLY where we are. I have had some people ask me what EXACTLY is going on. Well I will only answer that via email, text, phone call or face book messaging since my blog is open to the public and I don't want any of the ax murders or sasquatches that frequent the area to come across my blog and come knocking at my door :)

We have been very blessed. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father and to my earthly Father for making this move so comfortable for us. I think they both knew it was going to be hard on us. We love Hawaii and our friends who I consider more as family very much and miss them so bad it hurts. Kali talks about her friends daily and when ever she has her phone in hand pretends she is talking to one of them.

Things that I am trying to get use to are, lotion. Melissa I can finally be just like you and use lotion everyday. I never used lotions in Hawaii. The main reason I don't like lotion is it drives me crazy to have lotion on my hands and when I eat like a pear or something I can taste the lotion, or if I pick up my cell phone, I get lotion on it, or touching anything for that matter it feels weird. LOL. Oh well just something I have to get use too. I have to have chap stick taped to my lips and a kleenex taped to my nose. I forgot how well NyQuil works, I don't think I ever used it in Hawaii. And instead of running around barefoot I now ALWAYS have on a pair of socks, which has done wonders for my heels :)

Well there is a quick update of our life right now, and after we get more settled maybe I will do better at blogging and of course it would help A TON when I get my camera back from the doctors :)


liko said...

yeah, that mainland can dry you out quick. i have the same phobia of lotion as you, so i apply and then wash my hands off right after with soap and water. my hands aren't soft, but i can't stand them having lotion remnants on them.

it's good you all are adjusting well! and hawaii is always here when you guys wanna visit!

Susan said...

we miss you guys!!! glad to hear you are having fun at your new home :)

Mikaela said...

Change is always rough for sure. Hang in there. I'm In C-town, so when you're down this way, give me a shout out. If you need my cell #, let me know cause I'm a texting fool, so if you're ever bored, lonely, going crazy, TEXT ME cause I'm probably doing the same!

ashley said...

looks beautiful! glad you guys are getting settled in and enjoying playing in the snow!

Kim's just sayin' said...

sad, what happened to the camera? I can't wait to see more pictures of the new life. Maybe it will help feel the void in my heart with you gone!!

(how's that for dramatic?)


Jody said...

wow that is definitely one extreme to another! hawaii to the snow covered hills!

Melissa said...

lotion tip number one:
1) wait for lotion to dry before touching things, or eating things.


Glad you guys are settled in, and good job on not saying too much to keep the sasquatches away!

Get that camera fixed soon! I can't wait to see what you guys have been up to!

miss you guys!

Molly Bea said...

It's all about Cetaphil....learned that the hard way hi to co in march!...I'll email for answers :)