Tuesday, July 20, 2010

cabin reunion

We always have a good time together at the cabin,
relaxing, fishing, jet skiing, feeding the ducks,
roasting hot dogs and smores and
just sitting around the campfire and talking.

We also like to go over to Jubilee Lake and walk along the path and take pictures.

Krew loves to help his dad build the fire and help keep it going.

The kids had a ton of fun running back and forth on the dock.
We knew someone would fall in sooner or later.
Poor Krew was the victim. Michael and Krew bumped into eachother and Krew
fell backward into the water.
The amazing thing is he just floated on his back.
Luckily I was just chilling on the grass watching them play,
so I was able to run to his assistance quickly.
The scary thing is right before it had happened I was going to run
into the house to get something, but I had a feeling someone might fall in
so I waited. I am so glad I listed to the Holy Ghost that day :)
Cori and Tucker are made for each other.
I love it!
They spend their time spitting grapes back and forth into each others mouth
and perfecting their two man cartwheel.
check out my sis Janica's Blog for more fun and entertaining cabin pics