Monday, June 6, 2011

kolt at 5 months

Kolt is 5 months old.
He loves to laugh and hear himself talk.
He always has his tongue out, always, and everyone likes to comment on it.
He is drooling all the time now, and has been a little fussy, I am guessing he is teething
even though I cannot feel anything yet.
He is a little piglet and eats, ALL THE TIME.
He does not sleep more than 3-4 hrs. at a time, which makes for a tired momma.
He is eating rice cereal, beans and carrots right now.
He can roll from his stomach to his back and has almost mastered from back to stomach.
He loves to be outside just like is brother and sister.
He loves to be held and cuddled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He has the prettiest eyes! And is way cute, drool and all!