Tuesday, August 30, 2011

garden is growing

We actually have some tomatoes, peppers and tomatillo's growing in our garden.
It is a miracle:)
 Look how big Kali's sunflower has grown.  
Krew just loves it, everyday he goes out and smells it and tells me to look at it 
through the window while we eat breakfast.


.Ang. said...

Look at you and your green thumb!

You've inspired me to grow something. I think I'm gonna do a square foot Garden next year!

Mama and Papa Wood said...

Dad & I are so happy to see that our efforts weren't totally in vain. That's really fun for the kids to see. I guess that wasn't a huge sunflower that you get sunflower seeds from. But it is a pretty little sunflower. GOOD JOB! LOVE YOU GUYS!

Amanda said...

I love how it looks like Krew is holding an invisible flower, next to the flower. Almost like an optical illusion.