Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!


Krew's Stats
22 lbs. 8 oz.
31 1/4 inches

Kali at 1 and Krew at 1.

I am trying to find Kali's stats to compare those, but I can't find them :(  MOM HELP!

bounce house / easter crafts

I wish I could have captured some pictures of me chasing the kids and had video of how hard Krew was laughing while I chased him through the obstacle bouncer.  It was so fun.  I was a kid again, and I loved it :)

The kids loved the horse ride and went on it a million times.
After the bounce house we headed to center stage for some easter crafts.  Kali got to color an egg, then she colored an egg holder and a easter basket.  I guess I haven't let her just sit and color for a while because she didn't want to leave, she just wanted to sit and color.


The biker gang just upgraded to this new ride, the H2.

a day at the park

Kali loves to wear her sunglasses upside down and has a style all of her own :)

Lili's amazing trick.  She is the strongest girl I know.  She can lift more than her own body weight.

Krew and Nate playing in the Laundry room :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Whale watching

These first 5 pictures are from Hillary Haar Williams, they are awesome! 

We sailed on the Makani catamaran in Waikiki
Kali and Kaiya were so excited!

since we didn't see a whole lot in the water, they started looking into the boat windows, saying they saw, mermaids, dolphins, whales, etc.  Someone overheard them and said, "you must have let them drink one too many mai tai's."
Diamond head in the background
The girls got to drive the boat
Captain Jon Jepson

Didn't those whale pictures look AMAZING!!!!  What?  You didn't see any whales in these pictures?  That is because it is the last two weeks of whale watching season and it is a hit and miss, sadly we missed :(  That is OK we had a nice enjoyable time soaking up the sun and being on a boat out in the water.  It was beautiful.