Kali and Lili are just little fish in the water.
They are doing such a good job!
I am excited to put Kali into swimming lessons next month.
I want to see how much more she will excel with an instructor other than myself. My kids just tend to listen better and learn quicker from others.
Krew and Nate did really well in the water today as well.
Today was their first time and they LOVED IT!!!!
It was so cute today, while I was trying to de-junk Kali's room, Lili and Kali were playing and I was asking Kali what things she wanted to keep and what she wanted to get rid of. I found one of her My Little Ponies and asked, "Kali, do you want to keep your My Little Pony?" to which Lili quickly replied, "that is Kali's little pony."
My monkey's on the playground.