Krew loves playing with his cars and when he does he makes car noises as he drives them around.
Krew also the last couple of days has been teething and has been a little cranky, I don't know if this has any relation to his teeth hurting or not but he bit my arm and then looked at my and said, "owwee" I said yes Krew that is an owwee. Then he bit his own arm and said, "owwee" I gave him a towl to bite down on and told him to bite on this if he needed too. Kali told me I should get his teething ring instead. I thought that was a brilliant idea and found his teething ring and told him to bite on that and so far that is keeping him happy. Let's hope that is all he needs and that he isn't going to go through a biting phase.
Krew loves adventure and to wander. Aaron was watching Krew yesturday and Krew started to head off on an adventure and Aaron followed him but kept his distance so Krew didn't know. Aaron said he didn't even look back, he just walked around some TVA buildings and played a little running on the grass in front of K building and than went home. CRAZY little boy, I can not let him out of my sight.