Sunday, December 20, 2009

Aloha Oe

My girlfriend Joy wrote this when she made her first move and I am copying it having many of the same feelings as her. She said it so poetically:) Not something I am so good at. I just changed the locations to fit my own :)

There's no place like home, there's no place

.... like home..... but lately I'm not quite sure where "home" is.

The more I've been thinking it's made me realize that "home" isn't a place to me, it's a feeling. I thought "home" for the past 5 years has been Hawaii..... and now today I fly "home" with the kids to stay with my parents in Washington. Another home. I've come to realize that although walls make a house, a family and love makes a home. That place can be wherever we choose and it doesn't have to be in one single place. It can be in many.

As we go through life we evolve and grow into new people. As these changes take place we take these pieces of our lives, family, friends, and physical houses, to make a "home". That has brought me a lot of comfort in uncertainty these past few months and especially today as I said my good byes, packed up my stuff, and walked out the door of our first house for the last time.... A place where we started as newlyweds and left as a family of four. A place we loved and the first place we called home.



janica said...
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janica said...

Even though I'm SOOO excited to live within closer & cheaper range to my sister & fam, my heart has hurt for you these last couple days, moving from hawaii & here I am bawling while reading what you wrote. I find myself sometimes thinking, I wish they could stay longer, because I know how much you have loved it and loved the people you have gotten to know. I guess earlier it was just me being selfish, wanting to see you more often. But i KNOW you'll make the best out of any new place you move cuz people just feed off of your happiness. LOVE YOU.

liko said...

love you guys!!!

Stephanie said...

you are welcome back ANYTIME!!!

Matti said...

Awe, the island isn't going to be the same without you. Even though I didn't get to see you very often, I always had fun when I did. I'm going to miss seeing you around. Best of luck in Washington/Oregon!! your new "home" ;-)

Erin said...

that made me tear up. when people ask me where home is...i always get sooo confused at where to tell them because i feel the exact same way!

Noelle Reynolds Photography said...

Shanae I know exactly how you feel. My home is with my family and not necessarily the place I live. We love you guys!

Melissa said...

yeah I like this too!

I heard you guys are cooold! ;)

It is rainy here today too though.

miss you guys

Stopher and Nicolle said...

you should read the home teaching message in Dec. Ensign... it is amazing!