Friday, December 25, 2009

Mark Holladay Lee = Awesomeness


Stephanie said...

Oh my gosh those are awesome!! Love them!!!

Unknown said...

LOVE the photos! and good luck with everything!

Brooke said...

Beautiful pictures! You look so good Shanae...I love your hair too!!!

Matti said...

Those are awesome! Love the underwater shots. HOw fun!

Erin said...

a. your hair looks amazing
b. i love the underwater with aaron and kali
c. miss your family
d. mark did an amazing job!

Mark Holladay Lee said...

You guys were so fun to shoot, and so natural in the water.

Kim's just sayin' said...

Great pictures. The only thing I would photo shop is the length of Aarons side burns, one's a little longer than the other. Let him know for me Shanaenae.


P.S. We miss you guys.