Tuesday, July 13, 2010

4th of July - Hawaii Ohana Reunion

On Sunday morning we all met at the Ford's new AMAZING home and
had breakfast and caught up on life while the kids ran around like crazy.

Lance and Kara thanks for letting us come enjoy your BEAUTIFUL home,
and for feeding us.:)

I only brought my 50mm lens and decided the kids had to sit in good lighting
so luckily Erin had a wider angle lens on her camera.
Thanks Erin :)

Image credit: Erin Low
check out her work at Erin Michelle Photography

Whose bright idea was it to have the kids get together and get their pictures taken?
It is always a must
no matter how much they dislike it :)
This is what I was able to capture from the side.
This is what Brielle thinks
about the whole thing.
Jo Jo was all about it,
Krew on the other hand decided to let the
water works start
which just started a chain
reaction for Teja, then Brady
and Jo Jo only for a second,
here she is already wiping away her tears

Bella, Bode and Graham
just hung out and wondered
what all the crying was about,
and why the adults were jumping around
like crazy people
trying to get them to smile.
torture almost over.
what's that? pictures are done.
OK I am good :)
Kara rewarded them with fruit snacks, Kali decided to shove them all in a once
and we told Jo Jo to say cheese forgetting she had fruit snacks in her mouth
this is what we get :)
I was so excited for Krew and Jo Jo to get together again,
I wasn't prepared for this. Kali and Jo Jo, best friends :)
Brielle you are adorable and win the
most Hawaiian looking award.
Look how dark that girl it!

Brady showing us is throwing and catching skills.
The stunning Williams Family.
Align Center
the girls.
man love.
From Kali's point of view.

This is what happens when Ohana get together,
Aaron became Derek's brother,
Lance stepped in for James since he was not able to be there.
(You were missed James!)
and Jo Jo became Krew's twin.

Low Family, Ford Family
Bagley Family, Williams Family
Jones Family

If I can see through the tears streaming down my face
I can finish with my thoughts of how much I LOVE seeing my Ohana.
The friends we made in Hawaii are PRICELESS!
Hawaii is paradise, but for me the people we met are what made it
a true paradise.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that looks like a lot of fun. great people, great families, great memories and a glimpse of what heaven is going to be like.

Melissa said...

So fun!!! When did jojo get so big? she is beautiful!

Erin said...

it was so fun to see everyone! when the heck did all the kids get so big! we need to do a weekend reunion like every year please!
can i get a copy of some of those pics please! email your address and Ill send the ones I got!

Mary Boyd said...

Sad Face. I am so happy you all got together. I bummed that I missed seeing all of you again. Thanks for sharing. Love you.

Leah Remillet said...

What beautiful faces... ALL OF YOU!!

Kim's just sayin' said...

jojo is so big. and beautiful. what a stinkin cutie.
how fun for everyone to get together. :)