Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sunday afternoon

The kids in Grandpa's orchard picking and eating cherries.
Krew hasn't learned yet how to spit out the pits
and won't let me pit them for him, so he may grow a cherry tree in his stomach.
Kali is so sweet always picking me flowers.
She will be running around and stop abruptly when she sees a flower she wants to pick for me.
This is how Krew rolls.
This is how Kali rolls. My girlie tomboy.

It is not uncommon to see Krew pushing this tractor around where ever he goes.

snow, really?

June 16, 2010 - somewhere in the mountains of Oregon :)
I wake up to this.

40 degrees and snow.
and by noon it was 60 degrees and looked like this.

by 2:00 the kids were playing on the dock and getting their feet wet and muddy.
Krew my little Hawaiian baby
(because of his love for running around in his diaper :)

When Dad got home at 7:00 pm he dumped all of the melted snow out of the canoe
and we went for
a canoe ride and watched deer.

can you see the deer?
When we were on the other side of the lake
we were right next to them,
but of course I didn't have my camera in the canoe.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Be Not Afraid

image credit: Greg Olsen

Like children who have lost their way
alone and comfortless we wander.
Stumbling through woods that grow deep and ever darker,
with no direction, we cry for help
and hear our pleas echo through canyons.
Is there anyone who can hear us?
Then, like a rushing wind,
a voice whispers to our heart.
And through tear-filled eyes, we see an outstretched hand,
there to lead us home.
Though swirling streams may block our way
and slippery stones betray our feet
He leads us on.
He knows the way, His feet are sure,
and in Him we find safe passage.

-Greg Olsen

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day

As if my husband is not intimidating enough, he has almost made this a permanent fixture on his body.
No, sadly this was not his father's day gift, yes, he did want a gun, "the judge."
Soon enough baby, soon enough ;)
More to come on Father's Day, but not today.
All I have to say is that I am one lucky girl, to have this man as the father of my children!

sweet baby boy

Meet Noah Knecht Crosby born June 4th at 9:16 pm he was 10 lbs and 22 1/2 inches.

photo credit: Angie Wynes
congratulations Crosby family on such a sweet baby boy

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Kali's Recipe Book

Thanks to Matti for giving me such a fun idea of
having Kali make her own recipe book.
It all happened when she walked up to me and told me how to make rice.
I wrote it on facebook:

Kali just informed methat she knows the ingredients to rice.

(her favorite food) She said, "the ingredients to rice is, cook it, put in some butter and eat it all up.":) Now you know.

Matti Parker
So cute! That reminds me of the recipe book we made in primary growing up. My mom hung onto it and it was a lot of fun to read when we got older. Kali should make one of her own with her favorite recipes. I'll have to remember that and have Eden make one when she's a little more versed in the kitchen. ;-

With out further adieu here is Kali's first cookbook,
she decided what to put in it and told me how to make everything.
The ONLY thing I explained to her was WHAT a recipe was.
I told her that what ever you tell me to right down is EXACTLY
what people will do to make it,
so she decided to be a little more detailed
as you will see in her updated rice recipe.

Monday, June 14, 2010

look who came to visit.

I was so happy I could fly.
This is Janica flying for me since it is probably not safe while I am pregnant :)

and now Warrens turn to fly!
The kids had a blast with baby Warren.
It gave me a little taste of how this third child is going to be treated.
SMOTHERED with love and attention.
SMOTHERED being the key word.
movie time.
Warren showing us how flexible he is.

We had such a good time with Seth, Janica and Warren.
I was sad to see them go.
While Warren was here he learned to sit up on his own,
he cut two teeth and started eating green beens, baby food style.
ALOT can happen in one week in the life of a baby.