Thursday, July 12, 2007

Some of Kali's Favorite Things!

On the right is Kali saying CHEESE for the camera!
Kali loves to help daddy feed the fishes, and goldfish crackers are her snack of choice. She is really into finding Nemo, she always wants me to put it in the TV but she doesn't have the patience to actually sit and watch the whole thing yet, which is fine. She picked a Nemo bouncy ball the other day at the store which was more appealing to her than even the mickey or Disney Princess ball!! Kali loves the playground, she climbs on everything and slides down all the slides. She loves to play with the computer mouse, (even though she gets in trouble when she does) I know she just wants to be like mommy and daddy, the cutest thing the other day, she was really quite so I new she was up to something and I find her in our room sitting in front of the computer pretending to type and use the mouse. I could tell she felt like such a big girl. It made me laugh soooo hard!! Kali loves the beach, we try to go everyday. She loves to play in the water and play with her toys in the sand. She is such a girl, she loves to wear her bracelets and carry around her different purse's and talk on her cell phone. When I am getting ready in the morning she likes to go through my makeup bag and put on makeup just like mommy. She loves balloons, airplanes, popsicles, jumping, running, peekaboo, and hiding under tables and under our computer desk.


Susan said...

Shanae, she is so cute! I love your blog. You did such a good job with it. I love the pics of Kali working out...starting her young!

Leah Remillet said...

Aloha, The Blog looks awesome, you did so great. It's fun looking at your pictures - it looks like you have been busy in our absence. What, you go and decided to have all your fun after we leave the island? :) Hope you continue haveing fun, Kali girl looks adorable as always!!! We miss you. -Leah