Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kali Lyn Jones


Kali has been working on writing her alphabet and depending on the day she is pretty confident in how her letters are looking, however I could never get her to write her name for me, UNTIL on valentines day when I was preparing her birthday invitations she decided she wanted to write her name on the back of them so she turned them over and wrote her name.
I was so proud of her:)
Kali also can count to 30 by herself and than I have to help her remembering 40, 50, 60...
all the way to 100.
She loves Tinkerbell and is SOOOO EXCITED to meet her at Disneyland this next week.
Kali is my big helper, she no longer needs my help doing dishes, making sandwiches, pooring her cereal and milk, vacuuming, etc. She does it all by herself and wants to help Krew with all these things too. I guess she is taking over my job as mother :)
She loves to read, color and draw pretty pictures.
She has been teaching Krew and I a lot of different things that she has learned at church, Trish she is learning in primary :)
She also loves to bear her testimony to us.
She is doing well memorizing her articles of faith, we are currently stuck on # 4, she can't quite do it all by herself yet which frustrates her, I am thinking about moving on the #5 and continuing to review 4 until she has it down.
Kali loves playing in the snow, on the snowmobile, sledding and snowboarding, I really want to take her to a mountain to snowboard, I think she would do really well.
Kali is my little sidekick and I am so grateful for her, she is my little shopping buddy, and I have such and good time just talking with her and listening to all the things that interest her, worry her and excite her.
I hope we can stay close forever and she will always want to be my little girl.
I love you Kali, Happy Birthday.
This is Kali at age 3

Kali age 2
age 2, first time I was able to fit pigtails in her hair.
age 1


Matti said...

Awe, what sweet photos!! I can't believe how quick these kids grow up. Have fun at DisneyLand!!! I am jealous. We took the kids just before Christmas. We got there late, we didn't think we needed a whole day there...and boy do I regret that decision. It was SO MUCH FUN!!!

Melissa said...

Happy Birrhday Kali! We love you and miss yoU!

Stopher and Nicolle said...

Happy Birthday!! What an exciting one! Hopefully one she'll remember. I cannot believe how big Krew is. I think the first time I met you he was in your belly... weird! Glad to see you guys are doing so well. The CM store sounds like so much fun. keep on posting!