Monday, February 15, 2010


my favorite

favorite flowers
thanks valentine

Krew is in heaven as long as he has a balloon

and he gets pretty excited about chocolate
perfect valentines day


Jessica said...

Those truffles are AMAZING, but dangerous. Our home teachers dropped some off at our house for Christmas, and I couldn't even wait for Todd to get home to try them. Then I had to hide them (from myself) so that there were some left for him:) YUM!! Hope you guys are feeling more at home now. Happy Valentines Day.

Mama and Papa Wood said...

I got some of those yummy chocolates from the Mercantile too...they don't get any better! LOVE YOU!! Looks like you had a great Valentine's Day!

Mikaela said...

You must have your camera back! yay! Love all your pictures. The kids are so cute. And Krew sounds like McKay at that age. HOpefully, like McKay, he will get better and stop wandering off. So scary! Hopefully it's never happened at a very crowded airport where you're frantically searching for a good 15 minutes with security guards and everything, and you almost miss your flight! ;) That's by far, THE WORST!

.Ang. said...

Those look SOO GOOD!!

and your kids look SO BIG!!!!

happy valentines day!

Kim's just sayin' said...

Kali looks so stinkin cute. love that headband on her. and Krew, oh I miss that boy. Those chocolates look about a thousand times better than the truffles from the book store!!! :)