Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's a boy!

The day finally came Thursday July 15th, at 18 weeks prego we were able to find out the gender of our next child.
(Aaron wants to insert)
This was a happy day for the Jones family and the Dallas Cowboy organization.
Due to a previous engagement Jerry Jones was unable to attend,
but is fully aware of his future hall of fame linebacker in the making.
Aaron and I both screamed with excitement when we saw on the big screen that is was a boy. Kali on the other hand just stood there in kind of a confused state.
She then asked, "so is it a boy or a girl?"
When we told her it was a boy, her confused look turned into a pouty face.
Quickly the ultrasound lady told Kali to come and stand by her and explained to Kali that she was the only girl in her family and had three brothers and she LOVE IT,
because she was spoiled and didn't have to share any of her things with another sibling.
I don't know if that helped Kali at all but she just waited patiently and quietly
for the rest of the ultrasound to be done.
Before we left Kali and I went into the bathroom and that is when the water works began.
Kali just started crying.
It was so heartbreaking.
It made me so sad,
at that moment I had wished it was a girl, just for her.
I tried comforting her, I wished I could make it all better, but I couldn't change anything.
Luckily almost a week later now she is OK with the idea of having a brother
and is even trying to help us figure out a name,
which has been a struggle.
This one is going to take awhile.
By looking at his profile picture he looks like a Jones boy :)


The Price Family said...


Mama and Papa Wood said...

Everything will be fine..Kali has lots of fun playing with Krew & she'll get to be a little mother to her baby brother. Love you all!

Countrylivn' said...

Men and their boys, how fun! Way to go, maybe next time Kali will get a sister ;) right......

Jana and Rob said...

Poor Kali. Congrats though! We're happy for you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm so excited for you guys.

Erin said...

hahaha. i just loooove aarons face and how he is glowing!!! hillarious.
poor kali, she deserves the next one to be a girl ;)

Crystal & Brandon said...

i love how excited aaron looks. so cute! congrats. we love you guys

Larissa Chase said...

OH MY HECK! CONGRATULATIONS! We are so happy for you! YAHOO@! What fun. Another little Jones! We miss you guys. Looks like you are sure having a great time. Love ya.