Sunday, March 20, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day
 I decided to make it a tradition in our family that the kids can have Lucky Charms once a year on St. Patties Day;)
 The kids LOVED IT.  They just wanted to pick the marshmallows out.
When Kali ran to get something Krew started picking her marshmallows out of her bowl.
I remember doing the same thing when I was little, so I let them do it.
 Kali remembered that we had done a scavenger hunt in Hawaii on St. Patrick's Day to look for the leprechauns pot of goal, so that will be another tradition.
Kali just loved it, after we had finished she wanted to do it again.


Unknown said...

Great Traditions. I think I might steel your ideas and use them for my own family. I must say Krew is getting so big. He looks so handsome, I wish I could meet him again he seems to be a great kid. But you have 3 GREAT kids and I admire your parenting.

Erin said...

what a cute idea on the lucky charms! brady would die...he loves going to my aunts house cause she gives them to him. and cute about looking for a lepruchan!

The Davis Diaries said...

Super Fun!! Shanae! I had no idea about your eye problem! I am so sorry!! You are in my prayers, and Utah does have some GREAT Dr.'s so we will pray you find a good one! My mom told me about your move, congrats on the job! That is exciting!