Sunday, March 20, 2011

my yearly episode

So this is not the best picture, but I have to take my annual picture and journal what is going on so I can remember and know what to tell the doctor.  From researching the past, looks like I got lucky and skipped a big episode in 2010, It flared up again the beginning of May and my normal steroid drops did not do the trick, I spend a sleepless night in pain about a week ago, I could not decide whether to go to the ER or what to do.  After a blessing from Aaron and some Ibuprofen i was able to get a couple hours of sleep.  I made an appointment the next morning to see my doctor who just gave me some migraine medicine to stop the pain and set me up the an eye specialist, who just started from the beginning.  Prescribed me with omnipred every half an hour (not realistic) and an eye relaxing drop 4 times a day and to see him in a week. Since we are moving to Utah in a couple weeks, I won't be going to that appointment, I will just start seeing a specialist in Utah, who maybe if I pray hard enough will be able to help me figure something out before I go blind.  Every time I have an episode my eye color changes to a bright green.  My vision is blurring, I have a cloud over my eye and lots of floating black spots.  Since my first episode in July of 2008 I have never regained clear vision in that eye.  


Kristi said...

so Paul is going to optometry school and I read him your posts. I told him to ask his professors - wonder if they have any ideas. Paul is studying all kinds of crazy things about eyes.

Kristi said...

Hey Paul is curious what doctor you saw in Hawaii?

HOpe you find answers because this sound like it sucks