Thursday, March 18, 2010

Where all your dreams come true

I just got all of the Disney pics and there are about 350 of them so here is one a couple to see before I go through all of them.
It was a FULL day of fun, we got there at 8:30 am and left at 11:30 pm.
Kayla got to meet up with us at around 3:30.
We had Grandma and Grandpa Wood and Grandma Tami with us also.
more to come soon.

Kali was so excited about seeing Tinkerbell!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

ice cream and cake and cake

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Dear Tami,
Happy Birthday to you!!!

We got to celebrate Tami's birthday before we left from our fun filled week with her.
Today is her actual birthday!
I hope you are spending it somewhere VERY RELAXING ;)

I just want to say Happy Birthday to an AMAZING women.
Not only did she raise the most AMAZING man in the world, but she is more like a sister to me than a mother-in-law. She is always thinking of others and she is so loving and kind.
Where she works one of her co-workers celebrates if she does something "out of character" saying, "that is the Tami we want to see more of." :)
I love all of our conversations and time we spend together.
I am so lucky to have her in my life.
When we returned home from our vacation we were talking on the phone and she asked if it was good to be home. I replied, "yes," with out putting much thought into it, I think I was just thinking it was nice to have all the traveling behind me, but truth be told I already miss being at her home, spending time with her and laughing with her.
As the day went on and I was doing laundry and thinking of what to cook for dinner I missed her even more, she spoiled us rotten while we were there.
Cooking for us, doing our laundry, taking us shopping, etc.
it is nice to be taken care of by a mother again :)
I had such a great time! Thank you again for everything, you really are AMAZING!
Happy Birthday!
I wish I was there today to spoil you:)

I know what you are thinking after looking at her pictures.
She looks so young, she looks like she could be my sister, not my mother-in-law.
I know she ages well and she is BEAUTIFUL!

Make a Wish!
We sang this song a lot through out the week! When we first got there we celebrated Kali's birthday with ice cream and cake, Baskin Robins style. So I only saw it fitting to celebrate Tami's birthday with ice cream and cake and cake.
I had never seen this commercial till I looked it up tonight in fact. But I learned the words fast while Kayla and Tami sang it :)

We celebrated Baskin Robins style:

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Kangaroo Sore

During primary Kali told her teacher she had something in her mouth that was bothering her. Her teacher told her it might be a canker sore. Kali came up to me after primary and said,
"Mom I have something in my mouth that hurts and my teacher told me it is a kangaroo sore."

the end.

The last day before we left we got to take Kayla out to her favorite place to eat, Chronic Tacos :)
We had a wonderful vacation with Kayla!
We met up with her at Disneyland and she stayed with us the rest of the day Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We absolutely loved it. Kali was in heaven and loved being with her big sister!
Just today Kali came up to me and told me that when she looks at pictures of Kayla tears come over her eyes because she wants to see her again :(
Kayla is such a good big sister.
The bulk of our trip I did not have my camera, so I am waiting from pictures from my mom before I can post Disney pics. When I got my camera back I could not turn it on. So when I got to California I took it back to the Cannon Center the first day and I got it back right before we met up with Kayla to have dinner on the last day.
Here was my first pic from my camera after A LONG wait, I was so excited.
This was on our way to see Kayla :)

A card and a picture book of our trip for Kayla.
the kids and Krew with Opa John
Crystal also met up with us which was SO FUN catching up! Thanks Crys for coming and chatting for a bit, it was so good to see you again.

Love this pic with Grandma Tami, Kayla and Kali
Crystal racing the kids :) Crystal and Kayla's slow motion run.
sisters having fun

We LOVE YOU Kayla and can not wait till we see you again soon!

Friday, March 5, 2010

the beginning...

...of our trip
began in the Seattle area visiting our friends we met in Hawaii. They were our next door neighbors in TVA. We had a GREAT time catching up and playing.
Thanks Boyds for EVERYTHING!!!
Kali "surfing" the skateboard. You can move the girl away from the surf, but you can not remove the surf out of the girl :)
Krew's turn. After running over his finger he decided he didn't like it :(
ready. set. go. they raced around the house a few times.
riding around

time to play catch with Sandy
Thanks again Shane and Mary for letting us crash at your place and for the ride to the airport and for being such great friends :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Child of God

Krew loves the song, I am a Child of God. Tonight while I was putting him to sleep he said, "Mom sing, Child of God." After I finished he begged, "Mommy, do it again, Mommy, do it again." Than it was his turn to sing. His little voice is so precious while he tries to sing it, I need to get it on video. Earlier today he walked into the room as said to me so clearly,
"Mom, I am a Child of God and he has sent me here."
Our Heavenly Fathers plan is so perfect!
He sent us to earth in family units so we can help each other through this life.
We are given parents to love, protect and guide us,
we are given children to help remind us who we are and why we are here.

I am a child of God,
and he has sent me here.
Has given me an earthly home,
with parents kind and dear.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do,
to live with him someday.

we are off...

Kayla, Kali, and Krew
The kids and I are headed to California for a week of fun with the Jones Family!
We get to see Kayla again, which Kali is SO excited about. We get to go with her and Grandma Tami and Grandma and Grandpa Wood to
We get to watch this superstar perform against SDSU on Wednesday @ 7:00pm
We are also excited to get to see Crystal, Brandon and McCormick family, Ian and Katie, Jeff and Tay and hopefully our cousins Carl and Chantel, and hopefully my brother Nate :)
anyone else I am missing that I need to see? :)
California here we come :)