Monday, June 14, 2010

horses, horses, horses

The kids love to play at the Brook's home.
Krew road a horse for his very first time at their house and he LOVES it.
and they get plenty of ATV rides. Thanks to Lindsey. Krew never tires of riding on anything with a motor.

Monday, May 31, 2010

thanks grandma

Kali was so excited when we opened the front door to find two big boxes from Grandma Tami.
Excitedly the kids tore them open to find a table and chair for each of them.
The kids have been writing ALOT and painting lately so this was a PERFECT gift for them.

Krew wouldn't let me take any pictures of him,
but he has done such a good job lately about sitting and drawing.
He used to sit for only a minute or so but now he will spend a good
15 minutes drawing on his paper.
He really wants to be doing WHATEVER Kali is doing these days.
When he wants to write he says, "mom, IW, I want to write IW."
I think that comes from a combination of learning his alphabet and trying to teach him to spell his name K-R-E-W.

my little man

Krew's game of choice.
any kind.
He likes to hand some to me and than counts the rest and put them on the ground.


This is the result of Krew dressing himself.
He is very independent these days, so he wants to do EVERYTHING himself.

Krew now talks in full sentences and in a language that I fully understand,
while others need an occasional translation.
He has started this thing where when he is talking to me will say, mommy, followed by Shanae, or Anae
and when talking to dad, it is daddy, Aughron.
He likes to say our names after mommy or daddy.
When he wants to show me something he tells me to hold his hand and than will direct me to where he wants to go.
Krew is our little peacemaker, if he thinks Aaron or I are talking to each other too loud he tells us to, stop it!
Krew is happiest outside, and with a ball, car, or sword in hand.
Lately when ever he has a sword
(which he makes out of anything sword like ie. a letter opener, medicine dropper, etc.)
he says he is going to get the bad guys.
(not quite sure where that came from?)

how could I forget

adding to Krew's favorite things, pickles and macaroni and cheese.
Today he asked for macaroni and cheese for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Here are a few things that Krew will ask for on a daily basis.
If I would let him, he would live off of these.
A few other things that he really likes lately are Raisin Bran cereal for breakfast
and ice cream which he asks for several times a day.
He is a lot like his Grandpa Wood, these items look VERY similar to Grandpa's favorite things.
The whole propel or "juice" thing is driving me crazy lately,
because I am not a big fan of juice.
I normally give my children the choice of water or milk as a beverage.
Krew is starting to act like Amy Poehler from the movie "Baby Mama"
when Tina Fey hands her a drink to help her swallow her pre-natal vitamin
and she spits it out asking, "what is this?" Tina Fey replies, "it is water."
And Amy Poehler disgusted says, "it is horrible!"

Don't worry, I WILL PREVAIL! :)
He will soon be back to the good little water drinker that I know and love:)

green thumb

I am so grateful that my mom loves gardening,
I still have not gotten excited about that yet.
It may have something to do with the fact that I can not keep ANYTHING alive.
The kids had a great time helping grandma plant her flowers,
and they both have done an excellent job at remembering to water them.