Sunday, October 16, 2011

relaxing day

Today was such a nice relaxing day with the family.
We started the morning off right with a green smoothie!
and for lunch, cheese sandwiches in halloween shapes.
The kids are loving using these cookie cutters on their sandwiches,
it just makes eating more enjoyable;) 

Then Kali was off to a Halloween party, which she said was SUPER fun:)

 Today was such a nice day with Aaron home.  
The kids absolutely love playing with their dad.  
Kolt even cuddled with Aaron today, something he does not ever do.
The weather was beautiful, so we spent sometime outside playing,
Kolt was enjoying crawling in the grass,
Kali and Krew chasing and tackling each other,
and then they found a lady bug that landed on Krew's shirt.
While the kids road around on their scooters, Aaron and I got to sit and just talk.
Just enjoyed each others company, I love when we are able to that.
I LOVE MY HUSBAND, I am so glad I married my best friend!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

best friends.

I made the mistake of telling Krew 4 days early that he would get to spend the day with Jo Jo.
That is all he would talk about, and he would get frustrated when I told him not today,
only 3 more days, 2 more days, tomorrow, until finally the morning arrived and it was time 
to go to Jo Jo's house.  
He was an angel getting ready, he did everything I asked him the first time, (which never happens).
He just loves to play with Jo Jo!
They are so cute together, B.F.F. from birth;)
Hillary was awesome and took Krew for the day for me while I spent the day
at the John A. Moran Eye Center in SLC.
I finally got to a Uveitis specialist, Dr. Albert Vitale, who is going to help me get
this whole mess figured out.
He is going to wean me off the oral and topical steroids this month and put me
on some drug that helps with my unknown auto immune disease,
which should make the swelling be gone forever,
and then I will be able to get my cataract surgery in a year and be back to normal.
If all goes as planned.
Who knows with me lately, I always have the weirdest things happen to me.

Here is Kolt and Tiana, the next besties;)
We figure between the four kids maybe we will have a Williams and Jones Marriage;)
The parents can always hope right;)

I have to find Krew and Jo Jo's pictures when they were this age, 
I am pretty sure Krew was trying to hold Jo Jo's hand.  That is how the Jone's boys roll;)
Ok, So I was sure I had posted it on the blog back in 08 but after an hour of searching, no findy.
So I will have to pull out my picture archives.
I will post it soon;)

The Williams live an hour away from us, which is WAY to far when you get
wrapped up in the business of life,
but close enough that we can just jump in the car and see them when ever we want;)
Thanks again Hill!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Cowboys vs. Redskins.
Cowboys won!!!
enough said;)
p.s  Aaron's boss is a redskins fan, so we had to watch the game at Synergy.  (Aaron's work)
the kids had a great time playing, the  mom's had a wonderful time chatting it up and the men
had a great time battling it out. Luckily we came out VICTORIOUS;)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Saturday General Conference

I just LOVE General Conference!
So many good messages.
Things to remember, things to change.
Always striving to be a little better.
Between sessions we had a little picnic out back.

On the menu, taquitos, salsa, corn and watermelon.
Kolt was loving life and crawling all over the place.
We watched dad water the garden,
 crawled all over the lawn,
 and mooched off of everyone's plate.
 Kali and Krew did some digging and treasure finding,
and made cookies with Grandma.

I am realizing my photography skills are decreasing with my lack of vision.
So sadly a lot of these photos are blurry,
I guess a reflection of what i see;)
We taped Krew's thumbs, so he would not suck them while rolling cookie dough,
that is going to be a hard habit for that boy to break.

Then we watched the second session of a wonderful conference.

Kayla's Visit

In August we had 2 full weeks with Kayla and it was SO FUN!
She is 11 years old now, she is so grown up and is such an amazing
big sister!  We had a fun time a Bear Lake swimming, boating, jet-skiing, skating around
and just spending time together.

 We went to the rock climbing wall and honed our climbing skills.

 They all did such a good job!

 We went to the Aquatic Center, where Kayla did a lot of diving and even
did her first front flip and dive off the high dive.
We went one day for the whole day and stayed for their dive-in movie with the Ausen girls.
We also spent a day at the Sports Academy, playing basketball, soccer, running and swimming.
 We went to Tony's Grove and hiked around.  It is so beautiful up there. LOVE IT!

We camped one night at Spring Hallow.
 Krew just loves campfires. 
He asks all the time now if we can go camping again.
And Kayla showed us her talent for painting toes.

We love our time with Kayla.
She is such a fun amazing young women.
She is into surfing right now, and has competed in a few competitions.
We are excited to see her again soon for Christmas in California!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Apparently these slippers were not our smartest purchase for back to school shopping.
At the kindergarten orientation we were informed that there were 3 rules 
when it came to dressing standards and one of those were 
NO SLIPPERS or flip flops is what they call them here on the mainland;)
Luckily they were on sale 1.99 each.
As you see they are going to get their money's worth of wear.

i like the way he moves

On Saturday, Aaron took Kali and Krew to work so I could get some rest and relaxation.
Kolt and I hung out and of course I had to get some pictures of my little man 
crawling, standing and laughing.
no teeth yet.
 Kolt has started pulling himself up against everything, the wall, the couch and the entertainment center.
He likes to adjust the volume when watching a movie, to VERY LOUD.
He will randomly let go and go tumbling to the ground.  He is still working on his balance.
As far as crawling goes, he likes to mainly pull himself across the floor with his arms,
having a little assistance from his feet.
He has tried the hands and knees crawling a few times, but it is very slow,
so he just reverts to the pulling with his arms method.
He also can be found in plank position, just practicing his form for push-ups.