Friday, August 14, 2009

rainy days

When your day starts out like this...

you know it is time to get out of the house:)

And since the weather has been so junk we decided to go to the mall.
We played on the playground, where we ran into Leslie Fitzgerald (a girlfriend who I use to hang out with 6 years ago who lives in Kaneohe) and her kids, read books at borders, checked out the new thinker toys store, ate at Taco Del Mar had dessert at Ben and Jerry's and bought Kali a new umbrella which she takes with her EVERYWHERE.

Kali does not leave her home these days without her baby, a purse filled with a play cell phone, hello kitty wallet, keys, lipgloss, ipod, and occasionally her camera.  She prefers wearing skirts her slippers and gets excited to wear a jacket if it is raining or she thinks it feels a little cold.  She is into accessories these days, bracelets, rings and asks me to put her hair in pigtails, braids or a pony tail, but sadly it doesn't last to long and she asks for me to take it out, EVEN if it looks ADORABLE!
My little Krewzer is into ANIMALS right now.  He loves looking at his animal books and making animal sounds.  We went to the Zoo last week and he loved it!!  The first animal he saw was an elephant and he ran right up to the gate so excited, but as soon as he saw it move he backed off a little unsure, it was pretty funny!!
He is a climber and loves to jump. When he wakes up and we go into the room he is jumping up and down in his crib, he decided that was more fun than climbing out.  Even when he is jumping on the ground he can get his feet off the ground every once in awhile.
He goes to nursery now and they say he is so happy and entertaining.  Every time they sing songs he gets up and dances.  That is my little Krew man.  Anytime he hears music he just has to move and dance around.
He is such a happy little guy, always laughing and reminding me how fun life can be :)


Mama and Papa Wood said...

Yes...that's my grandkids!

Crystal & Brandon said...

that black and white picture is so cute of kali with her umbrella! i love it!!! whenever i read your blog it just makes me want to get on a plane this instant and see you and those cute kids!!! i wonder if kali would even remember me still.... probably not ha ha

Melissa said...

those little umbrellas are the cutest things! is that from the makai dollar store? I love that place!

echo said...

love the umbrella! adelaide is way into umbrellas right now also. i think it is so cute to see a little girl walking around with a 'brella'

.Ang. said...

Great shots of her with the umbrella. I got one of the girls when they were sitting on the slide waiting for the Taxi! :)

Krew is So cute! I love that smile he's always got plastered on his face! and the way his eyes smile too!

The other day, we read brown bear brown bear OVER AND OVER AND OVER and he LOVED IT! I love how he knows all the animal sounds so well! It's so cute!! he needs to teach some of his knowledge to Tyken! (He's a little slow in the language department)

Summer Freeman said...

Wish Brek would go to nursery, he just cries and cries!