Monday, August 31, 2009

funny story

We got this ring for Kali a few days ago at Axel and Jenny Diaz's (our neighbors) pearl shop by the macadamia nut factory.  I think it is actually a toe ring, but Kali loved it and doesn't take it off her finger.  It has a dolphin on it.  Kind of hard to tell in the pic.  So later that night we are at enrichment and Jenny tells me this story of how she walked into the bathroom and saw Kali with her little legs sticking out of the garbage can.  (in my head I am thinking what in the world is Kali doing in the garbage, she knows how gross that is and to not get in there) Jenny continues, I guess she had lost her ring in their while drying her hands so she went in after it.  I didn't get to witness it myself, but I have a pretty funny picture in my head of her half way in there desperately look for her ring :)

1 comment:

.Ang. said...

That would be so funny to walk in on! haha