Monday, February 15, 2010

heart attack

An appropriate title for the day, but sadly not relating to valentines. This is a REAL heart attack caused by the one and only Krew. He is an explorer and a wonderer. Today on TWO different occasions he managed to make his way outside un -benounced to us and explore the great outdoors. The first episode I looked frantically all over the house, and this house is three stories, so as I am racing in and out of each room up and down flights of stairs, I hear Aaron say, I can not believe my son. We looked outside and there he was jumping on the trampoline with nothing but a diaper on.

So excited to find where he was I just started laughing and then told him he needed to come inside and get his clothes on. I guess he thinks he still lives in Hawaii or something, running around in his diaper, sadly it is not 80 degrees outside, try 55 degrees. BRRRRRRRR.
And he had Kali's Tinkerbell roller backpack in tow. He loves to roll that thing around. Note to self buy Krew one of his own to help eliminate Kali freaking out every time she catches him with it, which is several times a day:)
As you can see he is pretty proud of himself.

Apparently he loved his outing so much, only an hour later, he escaped again, clothed this time, into the orchard and he had found a dirt path he was walking along, Tinkerbell bag in tow.


Time to make sure the front door is locked at ALL TIMES.


ellsworth family said...

My little guy would do this ALL THE TIME when he was Krews age. SO scary!

Carl said...

That cracks me up. we had to put locks on the top of our doors for Crew because he would take off and cruise the neighborhood. We had neighbors bring him back a couple of times (very embarassing). Are you staying on the farm now instead of the cabin?

Erin said...

what a funny kid! brady tries to escape outside any chance he can get! i cant believe how much krew is looking more and more like kali!

gina said...

I'm glad he's okay.. both times. :) Kids have no idea what we go through!

.Ang. said...

What a crazy little guy!! He reminds me of someone I know...