Monday, February 21, 2011

thumb sucker

Kali turned 5 on the 18th and on the 19th was day 1 of the journey to no more thumb sucking.
She receives 1 dollar each day she does not suck her thumb.
If she does, she has to give me a dollar.
Today was day 3.
She has earned 2 dollars so far.
At night time we tape it so she can't suck it while she is asleep.
She has had several heart wrenching breakdowns, but I am determined to help her stop.
I seriously feel like I am helping a drug addict get off drugs, 
she acts like it physically hurts her not to suck her thumb.
She gets mad if she sees Krew sucking his thumb so I tried to put tape on Krew's finger
and lets just say, he is not ready to stop.


David and Kira said...

I have a finger sucker and it is a TERRIBLE habit! It will be tough for her to quite too. I will have to keep this idea in mind. We are all motivated by money right?!

Mama and Papa Wood said...

Good job, Kali...YOU CAN DO IT! HUGS & LOVE YOU!

Erin said...

hurray for her! Such a smart idea to get her to stop! I'm so glad that brady didn't do that! Good luck to you!