Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kali Lyn Jones


Kali has been working on writing her alphabet and depending on the day she is pretty confident in how her letters are looking, however I could never get her to write her name for me, UNTIL on valentines day when I was preparing her birthday invitations she decided she wanted to write her name on the back of them so she turned them over and wrote her name.
I was so proud of her:)
Kali also can count to 30 by herself and than I have to help her remembering 40, 50, 60...
all the way to 100.
She loves Tinkerbell and is SOOOO EXCITED to meet her at Disneyland this next week.
Kali is my big helper, she no longer needs my help doing dishes, making sandwiches, pooring her cereal and milk, vacuuming, etc. She does it all by herself and wants to help Krew with all these things too. I guess she is taking over my job as mother :)
She loves to read, color and draw pretty pictures.
She has been teaching Krew and I a lot of different things that she has learned at church, Trish she is learning in primary :)
She also loves to bear her testimony to us.
She is doing well memorizing her articles of faith, we are currently stuck on # 4, she can't quite do it all by herself yet which frustrates her, I am thinking about moving on the #5 and continuing to review 4 until she has it down.
Kali loves playing in the snow, on the snowmobile, sledding and snowboarding, I really want to take her to a mountain to snowboard, I think she would do really well.
Kali is my little sidekick and I am so grateful for her, she is my little shopping buddy, and I have such and good time just talking with her and listening to all the things that interest her, worry her and excite her.
I hope we can stay close forever and she will always want to be my little girl.
I love you Kali, Happy Birthday.
This is Kali at age 3

Kali age 2
age 2, first time I was able to fit pigtails in her hair.
age 1

Krew Ross Jones

photo credit: Janica Ellsworth
looks like my photography lessons are paying off :)
I couldn't decide which one I like better:)
a little update on my Krew monster:

Krew loves to wear hats.
He will purposely take things from Kali and I and take off running so we chase him. He is always saying, "chase me, chase me."
Krew can eat with either hand, although I have noticed more accuracy when using his right hand.
Krew's favorite new thing, (thanks to Grandpa who made it up) is called rock-a-bye-baby.
He wants me to cradle him and rock him while singing rock a bye baby in the tree top.... and at the end when you say down will fall baby cradle and all, I drop him on the floor. HE LOVES IT!
For christmas Grandma gave Krew a lion, tiger and elephant toy and he loves to play with them and make the animal noises.
He can never get enough rides on the snowmobile. Sometimes he is just content sitting on it if we aren't going for a ride.
He wants to be a big boy and put his clothes on by himself, but every time he puts his pants on, his legs end up in the same hole.
He also wants to be a big boy by sitting on the toilet and wiping his bum and flushing the toilet, he does this at least once a day, he has yet to actually go in the toilet.
His favorite movies right now are : Lion King, Tarzan, Nemo and Dinosour.
He is always wanting to help make the fire at the cabin and when I am vacuuming he will get mad at me if I don't let him help.
He can count to five and tries really hard to sing the ABC's.
He still sucks his thumb and rubs his ear, something Janica pointed out to me is whenever he goes to rub his ear he always grabs the wrong ear first and then switches:)
He loves to sit in front of the heater at the cabin and asks me to sit next to him, which I love to do, because when I was younger I did that same thing.

Ellsworth Family

Seth, Janica and Warren came to visit us for a week.
They surprised me and came a few days earlier than I was planning.
I loved spending time with Janica and baby Warren.
Warren is so cute and has the cutest little smile.
Seth got to experience his first time riding a snowmobile.
While at the cabin I took a few pictures for them.
Warren wasn't so happen about taking pictures outside,
but when he was inside, he was all smiles:)

Janica took this last cute pic of Warren. LOVE IT!

Monday, February 15, 2010


my favorite

favorite flowers
thanks valentine

Krew is in heaven as long as he has a balloon

and he gets pretty excited about chocolate
perfect valentines day

heart attack

An appropriate title for the day, but sadly not relating to valentines. This is a REAL heart attack caused by the one and only Krew. He is an explorer and a wonderer. Today on TWO different occasions he managed to make his way outside un -benounced to us and explore the great outdoors. The first episode I looked frantically all over the house, and this house is three stories, so as I am racing in and out of each room up and down flights of stairs, I hear Aaron say, I can not believe my son. We looked outside and there he was jumping on the trampoline with nothing but a diaper on.

So excited to find where he was I just started laughing and then told him he needed to come inside and get his clothes on. I guess he thinks he still lives in Hawaii or something, running around in his diaper, sadly it is not 80 degrees outside, try 55 degrees. BRRRRRRRR.
And he had Kali's Tinkerbell roller backpack in tow. He loves to roll that thing around. Note to self buy Krew one of his own to help eliminate Kali freaking out every time she catches him with it, which is several times a day:)
As you can see he is pretty proud of himself.

Apparently he loved his outing so much, only an hour later, he escaped again, clothed this time, into the orchard and he had found a dirt path he was walking along, Tinkerbell bag in tow.


Time to make sure the front door is locked at ALL TIMES.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kali almost 4

My Kali girl turns 4 February 18th.
We did an early family party since Grandpa had to leave us and head back to Utah.
Kali decided to do the Disney Fairies theme this year.
Next week will be the party with the friends :)
I believe in celebrating all month.
Krew monster loved the cupcakes and was really upset when we made him stop at two.

Grandma and Grandpa spoiled Kali with tons of presents. She got a Disney Fairies comforter and sheets for her bed. Some new clothes, coloring books and games, a personalized jewelry kit which when she opened she said, "I knew my Grandma loved me!" I wish so bad I had it on video, it was so cute!! And from Auntie Monique (you will be hearing a lot about this amazing women soon, she is the main women at the mercantile:) she gave Kali a Tinkerbell digital camera, a Tinkerbell doll and some Tinkerbell stickers. Kali loved it and was so excited about taking pictures. She made Krew pose for her several times, which he did very willingly for her, than when I would try to take a picture he said, "don't mom" than Kali would ask and he would turn and smile for her? Maybe Kali should start taking all the pictures of Krew. I am excited to download her pictures and see what gems we can find.
Warren just hung out in his car seat taking it all in.
Isn't he just SO HANDSOME!
And for the saddest part, having to say goodbye to Grandpa. Both of the kids do not like to see Grandpa go. When Grandpa is gone and Krew sees a picture of him he reaches out his hands and says, "hold me." They love their Grandpa.
Thank you Grandma, Grandpa, Veronica and Monique for all the fun gifts for Kali!

Friday, February 12, 2010

.life happens.

I have not been blogging much, but most of my pictures since leaving Hawaii to the current time have been on Facebook. I will slowly try to get a few of them up on the blog, for fun journaling purposes :) in the meantime we will just start on today :)

A couple of fun pictures taken in Utah during Christmas.
Where have we been? What have we been up to? Currently Seth, Janica and baby Warren are visiting us for a week. It has been so much fun having them here. While Seth has been here, he is helping me learn how to help with the Country Mercantile website/blog. I am going to be taking pictures writing a blog for my fathers store. I have been working there on Friday's and Saturday's getting them ready for the summer when it gets CRAZY BUSY! Working at the store lately has been so much fun and it has just opened my eyes just how cool it is that my dad owns this place, and I realize how lucky my kids are to get to play there :) At the store my dad has a train, a carousel, and a plain ride. He even owns a reindeer. They have a seasonal petting zoo and for special events they have pony rides, bounce houses and optical courses for the summer month. Those are just some of the fun outside things for the kids, so pretty much they are in heaven.

The inside of the store if FULL of Gourmet goodness. Gourmet Chocolates, Gourmet Dressings, Jams and Jellies, Sauces, etc. They have a chocolate factory, all chocolates are handmade inside the store. They have homemade ice cream, fudge, enchiladas, tamales, they have a Deli where they make sandwiches. They have fresh produce, crafts and I think I covered most of it. IT IS AMAZING! That is why I CAN NOT wait to start a blog about it and get to run through each part of the store and how it is all done. It is AMAZING!
AS SOON as I get my camera back, WHICH (cross my fingers) should be within this next week or so, I will be able to get pictures up of the store.

BTW - when I post pictures of me, and I look like 20 pounds heavier, it is all the gourmet chocolate from the store :)

The kids have been having fun and making lots of friends. Two of Kali's best friends are 10, one that is 7 a few that are 5 and a boy and a girl that are in her Primary class who are actually a month apart from her.

The kids are just growing up so fast and learning and saying some of the funniest things! I guess that is why I decided I need to get back into blogging so I won't forget to write some of the things down that they do and say on a daily basis, that are just SO FUNNY!

Aaron is doing really well in school and just got back from Denver, CO where he spent four days in conference for his new job. He is a Marriage, Family and Youth Therapist. He will be visiting families at their home and teaching them the tools needed to help them in their struggles.

Well, hopefully this means I can get back into the rhythm of journaling and getting some of these fun life experiences in writing, and pictures (hopefully soon:).