Thursday, March 25, 2010


I haven't posted any of Aaron's Graduation pictures yet, but here is his one after he received his diploma. I am so proud of him. He has done such a great job juggling a crazy busy life, but he did well in all area's, as a father, student and employee.

Aaron graduating had brought us to our next phase in life.
Saying goodbye to an island we grew to love after 5 years and friends who became our Ohana. This brought sad goodbye's.
It broke my heart watching Kali and Krew say goodbye to their best friends.
And a sad Goodbye to my Ohana.
These are the wonderful friends who helped me through all of my ups and downs. Who helped me raise my children and who shared their children with me. We started calling our building E house because it really was like a big house with 8 rooms.
Thanks for your love and friendship,
thanks for all the good times; the laughing, the crying, the learning and growing!

the final photo shoot

We took some pictures before we left Hawaii and I have finally gotten around to posting them.
I will probably slowly be posting the last few months in Hawaii when I am able.
Kaiya, Kali, Brylie and Lili
The other day Kali wanted to write notes to her friends. This is what she wrote. (she was talking as she pretended to write it down so I recorded it)
she wrote:

Lili, Kaiya and Brylie:

I am sorry I can not play with you today because I am in Washington so I am going to write you this letter and when it gets to your house keep it in your heart. I will keep you in my heart and we will always be friends no matter what happens we will always be friends.

Love Kali

Aaron Moore taught Kali how to stunt

Kali is a climber
a here is cute little Cache
aand baby Mason (who I am sure is not so baby anymore)
aand the younger ones Krew, Tyken, Nate and Jocelyn
right before we left they were finally old enough to all play together, they were such good friends :)
We love all of you and miss you! Friends Forever!


Krew spends a lot of his day pushing around his tractor.
I really wish I would have got a picture of Krew's face the first time he saw a REAL tractor. He was so excited. He ran right up to it, climbed up and said, "drive tractor." So Aaron took the kids for a ride.
This is Kali pouting after she got in trouble for touching controls in the tractor that she was told not to.
Krew does not like to see his sister sad
so he gave her a hug
and they walked back to the house together

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Krew turned 2.

We celebrated Krew's birthday at the Country Mercantile.
It was a nice day so we set up everything outside.
Natalie was the first one to the party :) Isn't she ADORABLE! I love her little hat.
Shax and Hunter

KREW LOVES TRACTORS, COMBINES, CARS, etc. He is obsessed right now! He sleeps with a little John Deere Tractor. It makes his Grandpa Wood so proud :)
The barn where the reindeer lives
Time for the rides, a plane ride and...

the carousel
or as Krew would say, the horsey ride
all aboard, train time. Krew LOVES driving. Grandpa let him help drive, ring the bell and honk the horn. Krew was in heaven.
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday little Krewzer,
Happy Birthday to you!
Pinata time
Kali was swinging SO HARD, it was crazy.
Krew on the other hand took a few swings and was over it,
the difference, Kali knew what was inside, Krew did not.

When it was time to open presents Krew was not even interested in opening his own gifts so I got to open them for him and just show him what he got. HE LOVED ALL OF HIS GIFTS.
Big hugs for Grandpa.
He loved his succors and had to have one for each hand
Krew was a little tired for his birthday.
I made the mistake of letting him open his Cars movie from Grandma and Grandpa Wood the night before and all he wanted to do was watch it over and over again, all night long, he refused to go to sleep.
After the party we went to pick out the kids bikes that Grandpa David sent money for, they were so excited.

Krew's new favorite movies are The Incredibles and Cars. When he watches The Incredibles he thinks Mr. Incredible's name is superman, so I go online and tried to show him a clip of the real Superman movie to show him who Superman was. That didn't work, he said, "look it's daddy."
And he still calls Mr. Incredible, Superman:)

You rarely see Krew without a Tractor in his hands these days. We have all kinds at my parents house, any size from a pocket one up to a kids riding one and of course the real deal which he gets rides in and LOVE LOVE LOVES it.

Krew still has the cutest most contagious laugh. It always makes me so happy.

Krew, you are a very special part of our family and I am so humbled that our Heavenly Father sent you to me and entrusted me to raise you up in righteousness.
I love watching you learn and grow daily.
You are now trying to talk in complete sentences and it is so fun to watch you try so hard to copy what we are saying.
You are such a joy to have around,
and always brighten my day with your smile and laugh.
I love you my little Krewzer!

Monday, March 22, 2010

new wheels

Grandpa David got the kids new bikes for their birthdays and they have been LOVING them!

Aaron and I finally found our next set of wheels :)