Thursday, May 20, 2010

15 min.

Sadly, I had forgotten...
...until this morning, I woke up with Krew
and played with him for about 30 min.
It was his rules, his play.
JUST Krew and I.
In Relief Society last month we talked about disciplining children
and more importantly how to raise them with love and confidence.
One bit of advice was to spend at least 15 min. a day with each of your children.
ONE ON ONE TIME, and they get to make the rules, and choose the type of play.
Krew and I played together before Kali woke up this morning and
I think he liked it:)

Of course he chose to play with his cars.
So I took a car and got on the ground and drove around with him and made car noises ;)

Next on his agenda was to go outside and play cars in the dirt.
He would say, "mom, cars dirty" as he ran them around.
So he had to wash them off once we got into the house.
Then he decided to pick some weeds.
Last on his agenda was to jump on the trampoline.

I had so much fun spending time with Krew and just going and doing WHATEVER he wanted.
I am glad I remembered today the importance of one on one play time with your children,
where they pick what to do and how do to it,
and now I need to make sure I do this EVERYDAY!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kali's Blog

Kali has decided to start her own blog,
and write all about the things that are important in her little world.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Here is Kali with her cousin Crew.
It has been fun getting to see them more often now that we are on the mainland.

They had a good time with a snowball fight. (I am pretty sure this was last December)

They decided to be pen pals and write to each other. Kali gets so excited when she gets mail. The most recent letter she wrote to him she is so excited for him to see that she wrote it all by herself. She tells me what she wants to write, and I do an "example" letter, than she uses that to copy and write it herself. She is pretty excited that she can actually write things that people can read :)

Friday, May 7, 2010


5 years together!

Thank you Aaron, for being by my side through all the good times and all of the bad times.
Thank you for being such a committed, devoted husband, and for loving me and helping me become a better person.
We always say we were friends in Heaven and that we were made for each other,
everyday I am learning how true that really is.

Happy Anniversary!
I love you!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Make You Over Blog

For Mothers Day, Chelsea has a TON of fun giveaways on her blog. GO CHECK IT OUT!
It starts here with her E-consulting giveaway. Go win yourself something fun for Mother's Day :)

where have you been all my life?

I finally decided it was time to make a chart for Kali and Krew. I was just tired of fighting them morning and night to get things done to get ready for the day or night, so I thought it is time to write it all down so they knew what needed to get done before they could play.
While I was working on what pictures I wanted on it and what things I wanted them to accomplish in the mornings, my mom pulled out this beauty that Kali has been using until I get their's finished.
Kali will not start her day or end her day until ALL of her stars are on her chart and she does it ALL by herself. The other day when we were sick I was just ready to go to bed and I wanted to skip all the steps and just go to bed, but Kali would not have it, she had to get all her stars on her chart before she would go to bed :)

So here is a sample of what changes I want, to personalize one for them. I am going to take pictures of them doing these things so they can see themselves doing it :)


When the sun comes up to start each day

I earn my stars before I play

I make my bed with such special care

Then read my scriptures and say my prayers

I exercise to keep my body healthy and strong

Then take a bath so I smell good all day long.

I dress myself to start the day right

Then I fold my pajamas and shut the drawers tight

I eat a breakfast that is good for me

Then I brush my teeth so clean they’ll be

I fix my hair so pretty for the day

Now it is time to go out and play

(school time and sports time, still working that in some how:)


When darkness comes and day is through my night chart shows me what to do

I pick up my toys at the end of the day

Than bathe and wash the dirt way

I put on my pajamas to keep me warm at night

Then pick up my clothes and fold them just right

I brush my teeth with all my might

Brush brush till they’re shiny and bright

I pick out some books to read with my mom

(something about scriptures, work in progress:)

I remember my prayers so I can say

Thank you Lord for this special day

can't get enough

Kali and Krew love to ride (what Krew calls) the "motorcycle."
Grandpa and Aaron are REALLY good about taking them around on rides.
Krew gets so excited about anything with a motor.
I need to get a picture of Krew driving but he already knows how to drive and he just holds it down FULL THROTTLE.