Tuesday, August 10, 2010

jonny apple seed/nature walk

While I was eating an apple, Kali asked if she could plant the seeds when I was done, she said she wanted to have an apple tree in our back yard:) She has been watering them everyday.
I guess we will see what happens.

Krew came over to get in on the action.
When we had finished we noticed this tiny little frog hopping in the lawn.
The kids loved it.
In fact after Kali was done she came inside and said,
"Krew won't come in the house, he is insessed (translation - obsessed) with the frog."

Picture on the left, can you see the deer?
Picture on the right, Betty Lou Spring,
where Aaron and Kali landed the snowmobile in the winter between the two logs and Aaron had to show me his Hulk
skills and pull out the snowmobile.

Huckleberries, yummy!

These pictures are a perfect depiction of my children
Aaron taught the kids about old mans beard and how to survive in the wilderness

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

wheat fields

Aaron loves the look of people in a wheat field.
On the way to the cabin we stopped to get a few shots.

a deer, a squirrel and some face paint

While Krew was napping and Kali was "watching a movie" I was working on some photo editing when all of a sudden I heard her movie playing in spanish. Curious as to what had happened I walked into the room and Kali had found some of my old make-up and decided to decorate her face :) When I asked her about how the movie was playing in spanish she said, "I changed it, I am trying to learn spanish."

This is our deer friend whom we see several times a day, he likes to sit under our neighbors deck and relax.
As soon as he saw me try to sneak up on him he bolted!
We went for a nature walk today and we saw a squirrel, the kids were fascinated as it jumped from tree to tree and would stop and look at us. Kali was our trail leader, she did an excellent job. I was so proud of Krew, he made the trek all by himself, even though he did ask me to hold him a few times toward the end, a bribery of marshmallows was just the ticket.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's a boy!

The day finally came Thursday July 15th, at 18 weeks prego we were able to find out the gender of our next child.
(Aaron wants to insert)
This was a happy day for the Jones family and the Dallas Cowboy organization.
Due to a previous engagement Jerry Jones was unable to attend,
but is fully aware of his future hall of fame linebacker in the making.
Aaron and I both screamed with excitement when we saw on the big screen that is was a boy. Kali on the other hand just stood there in kind of a confused state.
She then asked, "so is it a boy or a girl?"
When we told her it was a boy, her confused look turned into a pouty face.
Quickly the ultrasound lady told Kali to come and stand by her and explained to Kali that she was the only girl in her family and had three brothers and she LOVE IT,
because she was spoiled and didn't have to share any of her things with another sibling.
I don't know if that helped Kali at all but she just waited patiently and quietly
for the rest of the ultrasound to be done.
Before we left Kali and I went into the bathroom and that is when the water works began.
Kali just started crying.
It was so heartbreaking.
It made me so sad,
at that moment I had wished it was a girl, just for her.
I tried comforting her, I wished I could make it all better, but I couldn't change anything.
Luckily almost a week later now she is OK with the idea of having a brother
and is even trying to help us figure out a name,
which has been a struggle.
This one is going to take awhile.
By looking at his profile picture he looks like a Jones boy :)

cabin reunion

We always have a good time together at the cabin,
relaxing, fishing, jet skiing, feeding the ducks,
roasting hot dogs and smores and
just sitting around the campfire and talking.

We also like to go over to Jubilee Lake and walk along the path and take pictures.

Krew loves to help his dad build the fire and help keep it going.

The kids had a ton of fun running back and forth on the dock.
We knew someone would fall in sooner or later.
Poor Krew was the victim. Michael and Krew bumped into eachother and Krew
fell backward into the water.
The amazing thing is he just floated on his back.
Luckily I was just chilling on the grass watching them play,
so I was able to run to his assistance quickly.
The scary thing is right before it had happened I was going to run
into the house to get something, but I had a feeling someone might fall in
so I waited. I am so glad I listed to the Holy Ghost that day :)
Cori and Tucker are made for each other.
I love it!
They spend their time spitting grapes back and forth into each others mouth
and perfecting their two man cartwheel.
check out my sis Janica's Blog for more fun and entertaining cabin pics

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 3rd

We were able to watch fireworks from the comforts of my parents deck.
We enjoyed American Forks, Lindons, and from a distance provo's stadium of fire
and of course all of the neighbors fireworks.
While relaxing and enjoying the beautiful stars (as Krew called them) we all jumped and screamed as an explosion of fireworks went off below us. Seth decided to set off some fireworks to scare us, and it worked. Warren started crying probably more from Janica's reaction than from the actual noise itself. Whatever the reason, Janica yelled at Seth, letting him know he freaked out their son. Krew watching this started yelling at Seth also. We told Krew when Seth came upstairs to give him the same lecture he had just displayed.
When Seth made it upstairs Krew started the lecture. He was intense and mad with his nose scrunched and pointing his finger, then in mid sentence he saw a airplane out of the corner of
his eye and pointed up with excitement and said, "look, airplane." It was HILARIOUS! We
laughed forever. Just like in the movie, "UP" with the dogs in mid sentence, squirrel.
A few more things about my little Krewzer
Krew is still a thumb sucker and every time I wrap him up in a towel after a bath he will say, "my sum" meaning my thumb, he wants to pull it out of the towel so he can suck on it.

While on our road trip any motorcycle, or ATV Krew saw he asked over and over again, "mom ride motorcycle please, get my helmet and ride motorcycle please" it is so cute and it makes me want to get him is own motorcycle with training wheels. Christmas is coming soon:)

Tucker and Seth were awesome and while the girls went out to watch Eclipse they listened for the kiddos while they slept. Well, while they were supposed to be sleeping, Kali had passed out at 7:30 pm (I made sure they had a busy day) however Krew was still awake when we left at 9:30 pm for the movie. I was a little nervous he would give them a hard time, luckily when we got home I asked Tucker if Krew was hard to get to sleep. He said no, actually, he put himself to bed, he said he was ready to go to bed and got up, walked to his room, climbed into his bed and under the covers and went to sleep. I was so proud of my little Krew, I guess I need to go out more, he never does that for me.