Saturday, August 28, 2010


Kali and Krew got to experience their first rodeo today.
They thought it was so cool to see all the cows, sheep, chicken, and horses.
and they enjoyed all the sweets too.
Hillary and Jo Jo met up with us to enjoy the fun.
Kali participated in the chicken run
and jump :)
Kali did AWESOME and ended up catching one of the chickens,
with the help of another little girl.
Their metals.
Uncle Seth's turn to catch a milk a wild cow.
Grandma participating in the watermelon seed spitting contest!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


photo shoots galore

Thanks to my girlfriend Joy I have been taking TONS of pics of Kali in so many different costumes and hats, etc. She is revamping her etsy shop and has asked several different photographers to take pics of her products. I will let you know when the website it up.
It the meantime you can enjoy some fun pics I was able to get of the kids together. Krew decided he wanted to take pictures today, which is rare.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

swimming at the rents

I had a fun time playing with a wide angle lens a little while back and got a shot of my parents house from the back. We have been spoiled while living here part time:)
A lot of nice days hanging out and playing in the pool.
It has been so nice having my mom help cook and clean and do our laundry,
I always tell her she doesn't need to do that, but she does it anyway.
Krew has been quite the little fish lately. He loves to have me hold him while he kicks his legs and move his arms through the water. He has been watching his sister and wants to try to do what she does, but knows he is not quite at her level.
The kids LOVE playing with their Grandpa.
The minute he steps in the house Krew runs up to him and wants him to chase him around the house.
During scripture study and prayer Krew tries to climb on his back and have a horsey ride and in the pool Krew want him to catch him and let him hold onto his back while he swims around.
Krew still calls Grandpa the endearing term we know as "booger" however, he is starting
to say Grandpa more. I am sad to think pretty soon that phase of life will pass:(
Lindsey (aka Kayla). Krew always calls her Kayla, she is the same age as Kayla. It is cute though and Lindsey is a good sport and lets him call her that :)
She is the youngest in her family, so she has kind of adopted my kids as her little brother and sister. At church she always will come get them after sacrament meeting and take them to class
and after class she picks them up and finds me.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Kali is into creating her own outfits right now, she loves to layer up and create her own style.
She loves her accessories, especially her sticker earrings,
she is too afraid to get her ears pierced because she says it will hurt,
Aaron has been sure she understands how painful it will be :)

Some of Kali's favorite modeling poses for me right
now are sticking the tongue out and laying on her side.
I am sure to see that every time I ask her to model for me.

Kali loves Primary.
It is so cute when I find her pretending to give a talk or teach a lesson, which is daily.
She bore her testimony in church for the first time all by herself a couple of months ago,
and now asks every fast and testimony meeting if she can bear her testimony.
Our family sang " I'm trying to be like Jesus" in sacrament meeting a couple weeks ago
and Kali sang a solo for the first verse, it was cute she was a little soft singing her solo part but
as soon as the rest of us joined in she was sure not to be over powered by our voices.
It was Kali and company, we were just her back up singers.
I was so proud of Krew also, every time we practiced he would just run around
and "act" like he wasn't paying attention, but when it was time to perform he
stood up there the whole time singing into that microphone.
Kali is currently working on memorizing the 5th article of faith
and she amazes me how quickly she memorizes things.
We will go over it and then she will get frustrated and want to stop,
then all of a sudden, randomly sometime during the day, she will start re-sighting it.
Kali loves learning and can't wait to start pre-school.

My little Krew man just makes me laugh daily.
He is so cute right now and says some of the funniest things.
I bought him a new motorcycle the other day that makes motorcycle sounds
and I wish I would have videoed his reaction when he saw it.
It was like christmas morning, he was jumping up and down
and could not wait for me to open it.
It has not left his side since,
he even took in the bathtub with him, which I warned him
not to do, telling him it would stop working.
Well, it stopped working for a whole half a day,
and that little bugger is working again.
Aaron and I were pretty excited at the thought that
the sound might now work anymore.
Some fun things about Krew right now, besides his obsession with motorcycles, planes, cars
and anything with a motor,
is he calls Gatorade, Alligator
When I am looking for him and call out his name
instead of responding and saying "what?" he says "why?"
If I ask him if he needs a diaper change, a drink, if he is hungry or any question
when his answer is no, he says, "no I just fine."
He use to call me mommy followed by Shanae
NOW if Aaron or Kali call me Shanae, Krew says,
"don't call her Shanae, call her mommy."

This is Krew's first full suit, isn't he just handsome:)

Friday, August 13, 2010


My little sis is getting married in a couple of weeks and I am so excited for her!
She found the PERFECT guy for her.
They are such a fun couple, so happy and in love.
It is fun to see how giddy engaged couples are
and has made me reminisce when Aaron and I were dating.

You know when you had no cares or worries in the world,
your lives just revolved around each other....
As I am brought back to reality (with screaming children in the background:)
I realize that life just gets better and better because we learn to love each other
for who we really are, all the good and all the bad.
I was reminded recently from my visiting teacher to not forget your husband
and to give him the attention he needs, because he is your ETERNAL COMPANION!

Back to Coriann and Tucker :)

My sister Janica took her bridal pics and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM!!!
click on for more of her beautiful pics.

and Hillary Williams an AMAZING, TALENTED graphic designer
created her Bridal Shower invites AND her wedding announcements!
Janica and I took their engagement photos,
which were tons of fun and together we are going to take her wedding pics.
Aaron was just joking the other day about how she won't have to worry about not having
enough wedding pictures with Janica and I behind a camera :)
To see more of their engagement pics check out
The wedding announcements by the one and only Hillary Williams.
I know, she is amazing, you tell her what you want and she creates it to perfection!!!
Thanks again Hillary!!!
Congratulations Cori and Tucker, I am so excited for you guys!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

not sure? - google it

The kids love feeding the ducks and chasing them.
Did you know that feeding ducks bread or popcorn is not healthy for the ducks?
Gotta love Google, I have been learning lots of fun things, when ever Kali has a question I don't
know the answer to, we google it:)
So now we know peas is a healthier option for the ducks.

Any chance Krew gets he is throwing rocks and dirt into the lake.

Kali is loving Kix cereal right now and this is her reaction when she wakes up to find out the Kix are gone.

Aaron has taught Kali how to fish and she loves it.
She doesn't even mind holding the fish.
Krew on the other hand isn't sure about touching it.
This is Kali's reaction when I tell her we can go ride the jetski!