This past week we have been working hard at getting Kali potty trained, and I must say she has passed with flying colors. She is doing so well! We gave her stars for each time and then after she got a row of stars she would receive a surprise. She got her pony bag, a Dora bat and ball and a calculator! Daddy even took her out and played ball with her after she received it. She was so excited to finally get to try out her new bat and ball.
You guys are great parents. Kali is so cute. Great job with the potty training. When we finally have a kid and is ready for potty training, I'll send them to auntie Shanae's house to be potty trained. =)
Way to go! I'm so proud of her...we've started it with Jayden, but he only likes to poop in the potty! ehhh, we're struggling with peeing on the potty. They say boys are harder, but I SO want to be done before his little brother arrives! Hooray for only ONE kid in diapers!
Yay Kali!! What a big girl! I hope Bella is as good of a potty trainer as her.
Too fun!!! Isn't it so nice to have her potty trained! Congrats!
So can I send McKay to your house? you might need some experience in doing it with boys....when can he come? lol! That's awesome! I'm just jealous!
Congrats! No more diapers... Hallelujah- G
P.S. I went to the Rexburg temple open house yesterday. We drove by our old house and ate at Millhollow... Oh the good times. I miss you!
That a girl!! Go Kali GO GO GO!
oh ha ha ha! so you get a one month diaper break and then it's back to square one! Ha ha ha! I feel your pain I've had at least one in diapers for almost 5 years and two in diapers for 3years! What does that add up to? A whole lot of poop. That's what.
WOW! How old is she? I'm trying to get Kaden potty trained before the baby is born, but I'm afraid it's hopeless! Boys are definitely different than girls! Congrats!
yay! she gets big girl panties now!
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