Friday, November 20, 2009


My little man Krew has some things right now that he is REALLY into.
He LOVES the movies Nemo and Shrek.
He loves to play with his best buds Tyken and Nate.
He smiles and says cheese anytime he sees a camera or video camera.  Lately he  wants to take the picture and gets mad if I don't let him hold the camera by himself.
He loves to push the stroller instead of ride in it.
He loves to be outside and run around.
If we are inside he stands next to the screen door and says, "outside, outside"
If he is in his stroller he says, "walk, run or push" which ever he is in the mood for.
He LOVES water, bath water, washing his hands, ocean.  When he sees it in a picture he even freaks out with excitement, WATER WATER.

He loves to hide in laundry basket, closet, under a blanket, etc.

He is OBSESSED with FOOTBALL, Aaron is overjoyed with this one.  I don't know what Aaron did to this little guy but anytime he sees ANYTHING FOOTBALL he goes crazy.  If football is on TV.  He will say over and over and over again, FOOTBALL, FOOTBALL, FOOTBALL.  He loves to throw and carry around his football.  When ever he sees Aaron's helmet he likes to put it on and run into people and walls.
If you ask Krew to give you his football face he scrunched up his nose, it is pretty intimidating :)
He loves to give noggin, I think he got this from Nemo, but he will head butt you and he does it hard, it really hurts and it doesn't faze him AT ALL.  He has a hard head.

Lately he tries to put on his own clothes.  It is pretty entertaining, he doesn't quit get the concept yet of how it all works.
He also LOVES to sit on the toilet, he says, "poo poo".  Anytime Kali goes to the bathroom Krew has to sit on the toilet after her.
He also is IN LOVE with balloons.  
I bought him a helium balloon the other day and it doesn't leave his side.  He even sleeps with it :)
I think I covered all of Krew's latest and greatest!


.Ang. said...

He was at our place a few tuesdays ago and found Brylie's "spy binoculars" he walked around with them plastered to his nose saying "CHEESE, CHEESE!" He thought he was so cool cause he was just like his mom!

These boys are growing way too fast!

Mama and Papa Wood said...

Can't wait to see him & play his kind of will be soooo fun!!