Thursday, April 15, 2010

spring is here

The orchards are in bloom, reminding me of rebirth, renewal.
I did not have a chance yet to write a post on my thoughts of Easter and the Atonement and my Savior, but when I look all around me, I am reminded of my Saviors love and sacrifice for me.
I know that he loves me, I know that because of what he did for me I can repent and become clean again as if it had never happened. This is the only way I will be able to ever live with my Father in Heaven again. As we know, "no unclean thing can enter the kingdom of God." Moses 6:57

I had bought some Nutella from Costco, which they sell now in two packs with twice as much in each jar and they same price as one jar with half as much :) SCORE! (obviously I didn't pay attention to details, like the exact amounts and prices;)
Kali and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Nutella and she was begging me to make crepes and Nutella, so I did. AND I LOVE IT!
I used bananas inside but after my dad had one, he said it would taste better with a different fruit, (he not being a lover of bananas). I told him I had wanted to use strawberries but could not find any in the fridge, low and behold my mother pulls them out of the fridge in a camouflage container which she tucked every so lovingly in the very back ;)
OK OK so I didn't look very good.
BUT he was right, the strawberries tasted MUCH MUCH BETTER!!
Either way crepes + Nutella = YUMMY!

Kali had Cheyenne over to play and they had a little tea party.
They decided it was too hot in the house and since is was a woppin 65 degrees outside they decided it was the perfect weather for cooling off in the sprinklers.
and they had a blast!

I just love this time of year, when things start warming up and we can just spend time outside
running around, riding bikes, flying kites and enjoying the beauty of our Heavenly Fathers creations.


Kjell Crowe said...

crepes without strawberries and nutella is like a marriage without sex!!!!!

Tafa Ohana said...

mmmmm...those crepes look TO DIE FOR!!! maybe i should try some nutella...i trust you that it's delicious (since you did get me hooked on silk milk). miss u guys...Kali and Krew are getting so big...well TALL :)