Friday, June 13, 2008

My Twin!

Brylie is one of Kali's best friends and she is my friend too! Today she saw my hair in pigtails and asked if I could do her hair just like mine. I was like, "of course." I had to get a picture, she looked so cute!

Congratulations Erin and Hillary

Tonight we had a baby shower for Hillary Williams and Erin Low. Hillary's little girl is due in three weeks and Erin is due in about 7 months but she is leaving in a week to Arizona so we wanted to celebrate her and her little one before she leaves. We had a great time watching, The Devil Wears Prada and playing spin the bottle. We split into two teams and both teams would spin the bottle, who ever the two people were that it landed on would compete. The games were baby bottle chug, name that tune, and guess that baby food. My camera battery died so all of the other pictures are on Erin's camera. When I get them I will post of few more!! It was so much fun! Congratulations mommies:)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday Afternoon Naps

It just made me laugh so hard to see how both of my kiddos fell asleep for their Sunday naps. Krew fell asleep in the stroller and when we pushed it into the house he just looked so peaceful I didn't want to pull him out and wake him up, and I didn't really have a choice because Kali was needing my help getting her dress off, my attention quickly changed to her and getting her ready for a nap, after she was ready I went into the kitchen to prepare some food. After a few minutes I noticed something strange, complete silence, no crying or whining children, I thought for sure something must be wrong. I go to check on Kali and this is what I found:) She was passed out on her sofa. So cute!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Tag, continued

So the kids are asleep again, lets see if I can finish my tag.

6. I love chocolate - I am sure most of you knew this already, but I am not sure if you truly understand the addiction I have. I am thinking about starting a chocolates anonymous group for all of you who are struggling with this same addiction. I love to work out and be in shape and I like to eat healthy and feel healthy, but I can not totally give up chocolate, I tried it once and it lasted for one month, that is the longest I have ever gone in my entire life, one month. I guess that is not even entirely true, I was drinking chocolate milk during that month. In my mind I think that chocolate milk doesn't count because it is healthier than most chocolate treats and it helps curb my appetite for any other sweets. See my problem here. Honestly when I am stressed and my kids are freaking me out I start to crave chocolate really bad and I honestly feel better and more calm after a glass of chocolate milk or a bowl of rocky road ice cream!! I am struggling right now because I want to get back in shape after having Krew and Aaron wants me to stop cold turkey, but I fear I will start having withdrawals, getting the shakes and hot and cold flashes. HELP! If you would like to attend my group meetings they will be nightly from 8pm-10pm, we can have a support group till will kick our addiction, then hopefully the meeting can be less frequent!:)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

TAG, All about me!

Back in April I was tagged by Hillary Williams and Stefani Jorgensen. At first I was like, there really isn't anything interesting about me that people don't already know, but over these past two months I have randomly thought about some things and thought O.K. I guess it is time now to post a little about me. Here is goes, first for Stefani's tag, six things about me that people probably don't know:

1. The claw machine - Luck or Talent? You decide. Back in 2000, Utah, Provo Town Center, one of these machines had Care Bears in them, I thought so cute I want to try, and on my first try I got my very first claw machine stuff animal, I still have it to this day it is the green lucky bear in the picture! Ever since then I have been addicted, I usually can get them in one or two tries. Now I am not going pro yet, I only go for ones that are easy to get like on top laying there not all stuck in between things. I have gotten a few pretty weird and ugly things but it is just for fun, because I can do it!:) It is funny, I get them often enough that when ever Kali sees the machines she thinks she can just choose what she wants and I will get it for her, oh cont rare. I have given a lot of them away and thrown and few really ugly one's away, but the few I have left are pictured below. The picture with Kali in it is just all her stuffed animals and she wanted to get a picture since I was taking pictures of the one's I have clawed.

2. Music - when it comes to music I enjoy listening to classical, if you have ever heard of Soundscapes on satellite radio I will listen to that all day, especially when I am cleaning or want to be creative or meditate or relax, etc. you get the point. When I nannied in California I had that playing through out the whole house all the time, I LOVE IT!! If I am in a different mood I prefer adult alternative, it is the softer alternative songs. The only time I really like to listen to harder music is when I am working out, or dancing.

3. Ready for this one, I don't like to: read, cook, clean, scrapbook or shop (especially now that I have kids). I know it is a shocker. I would prefer having a maid or nanny or assistant for most of these things.
Sorry book club members but it is true, I would much rather snuggle up on the couch with my pop corn and chocolate milk (hot chocolate just doesn't work in hawaii) and watch a movie. I am sure some of my friends here in Hawaii had that one figured out, I was part of a book club and out of 5 books I think I read one. disclaimer: I do enjoy reading my scriptures.
If I could have a person cook for me I would be in Heaven because I absolutely LOVE tasty food, I just don't want to prepare it. My husband would kill me for saying this, because he hates these places, but I absolutely love those restaurants that you go to that cost a million dollars a plate and they don't give you very much, but the food tastes AMAZING!!!!
I have to have a clean house, because it stresses me out when it is not, but I don't like cleaning, I would much rather have some other person walking behind my children and husband picking up after their messes.
Scrapbooking, I have tried that and I know it is a sin for an LDS women not to enjoy doing these things, but I prefer these new photo books you can make online, all of my childen will have those as scrapbooks.
And last but not least shopping, I know what kind of a women doesn't like to shop right, well over the years I like it less and less and with children now, I would much rather have some one shop for me, I love cute clothes and accessories, I just want some one else to go get them for me. Hours and hours spent looking around for the right things just isn't appealing to me any more. AND when I do try to shop for myself I just end up coming home with clothes for the kids.

4. How I prefer to spend my time is: outside, on the beach, surfing, working out, playing sports, hiking, running around with my children, taking the kids to fun places, taking pictures, finding good quotes and poetry, and making photo books.
5. I love to travel and I love change. After I graduated High School I never lived anywhere longer than 2 years. After I left Washington I moved to Idaho for 2 years at Ricks received my Associates degree, moved to Utah worked as a paralegal for 2 years, moved back to Washington, worked there as a paralegal and at a gym for six months, then took a job in North and South Carolina for a summer 4 months, than moved back to Washington where I was going to play basketball for the local college 2 months, decided to move back to Utah to finish school and take another paralegal job 6 months, than took a nanny job in California, met Aaron 2 years later got married moved to Hawaii have lived here now for over 3 years and believe it or not I am happy and not itching to move somewhere new, maybe because I have a family now and I am happy and settled. I have to be honest I would still like to travel and see more of the world, I have been to several different states, but I would like to visit other countries, I have only been to parts of Europe, Mexico and the Carribean.

Well Kali just woke up, too be continued ...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Hoodlums

Krew and Kali looked so cute in their hoods I had to get a picture and Krew was quite the little stud in his little suit Grandma Wood got for him, it is a six month suit and he is only 2 1/2 months old. He is a big boy, makes daddy proud!!:) So Kali and Krew are so adorable together!! Every time Kali gives Krew attention and talks to him he smiles or giggles, he loves her! Every morning when Krew wakes up to eat at about 5:30 am he is such a happy boy, that is kind of my time with him while Kali is still asleep and he smiles and laughs for me, I LOVE IT! Heavenly Father knew exactly what I needed in my second child, one who is content just hanging out and is always happy and smiley and giggles, he brightens my day and I love him so much. He reminds me daily of Heavenly Fathers love for me. I have to be honest, these last two months have been really rough for me, I have been struggling getting use to the whole two kids thing, but lately when Krew laughs and coo's it makes it all worth it for me. A few things about Kali, she is such a smart little girl, she can count to 10 by her self and she is working on 11 - 20 but still needs some assistance. She can say her whole alphabet by herself and she loves to sing all of her primary songs and she loves to read books. She wants to go to the play ground any chance that she gets and has Aaron's dare devil personality, I can never push her high enough on the swings and she even shows me that she can let go while she is swinging. She is not afraid of heights and she wants to jump off of everything. She is even brave in the ocean and will put her head under all by herself. When she comes up she says, "I saw fishes and mermaids." Today she was showing me how fast she could peddle on her bike and I was having to run to keep up with her. When ever I am upset with her or she is getting in trouble she always says, "be happy, Mom." Which makes me want to laugh and makes me less angry.:) Last night Kali was supposed to be in bed asleep but instead I see this little person out of the corner of my eye and Kali comes up to me and says, "Mom, my toenail polish is all gone." She wanted me to repaint them so she could go to sleep, HA HA!! She has so much energy ALL THE TIME, but it is fun and she makes me laugh all the time with her cute stories and her fake talking on her cell phone.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


We went bowling the other day with the Wynes, Reynolds, Stimmel and Boyd family. Talk about mad craziness. I was just waiting for them to kick us out. We had a lane for the kids and the lane for the adults. While we were there the kids managed to set an alarm off by sticking their finger in the ball machine, push the reset button several times, break off the net on the ping pong table, etc. Of course this all happened in the first half an hour we were there. After that the kids kind of mellowed out and either sat for a few minutes or found something else to occupy them. They had a lot of options we were in the BYU game center. After about 4 frames most of the kids were over bowling and they did other things like play air hockey, so we got to use their lane as a practice lane:) Krew, Payson and Tyken just kind of hung out and we played musical babies as each person bowled we just handed off the baby to the closest person.