Friday, June 6, 2008

Tag, continued

So the kids are asleep again, lets see if I can finish my tag.

6. I love chocolate - I am sure most of you knew this already, but I am not sure if you truly understand the addiction I have. I am thinking about starting a chocolates anonymous group for all of you who are struggling with this same addiction. I love to work out and be in shape and I like to eat healthy and feel healthy, but I can not totally give up chocolate, I tried it once and it lasted for one month, that is the longest I have ever gone in my entire life, one month. I guess that is not even entirely true, I was drinking chocolate milk during that month. In my mind I think that chocolate milk doesn't count because it is healthier than most chocolate treats and it helps curb my appetite for any other sweets. See my problem here. Honestly when I am stressed and my kids are freaking me out I start to crave chocolate really bad and I honestly feel better and more calm after a glass of chocolate milk or a bowl of rocky road ice cream!! I am struggling right now because I want to get back in shape after having Krew and Aaron wants me to stop cold turkey, but I fear I will start having withdrawals, getting the shakes and hot and cold flashes. HELP! If you would like to attend my group meetings they will be nightly from 8pm-10pm, we can have a support group till will kick our addiction, then hopefully the meeting can be less frequent!:)


Noelle said...

Sign me up! Although, I probably wouldn't go, or end up lying to everyone in my testimonial because there is no way I can fully give up chocolate. I'm not sure if I should be telling you this, but my sister and I went to a place in Kailua called the Sweet Shop to order her wedding cake. The top of the cake is pure chocolate called chocolate decadence. It's a THICK, RICH chocolate cake with a little raspberry creme. You don't taste the raspberry but she explained why you need it. I don't know I wasn't really listening because we were taste testing with these decadence cups that they have for sale. SO GOOD! I couldn't even tell it was cake. It was more like a thick brownie. I'll take you there sometime...but anyways good luck on your diet. Moahahaha!

Erin said...

um seriously EAT CHOCOLATE! that is why you work out! Don't deprive yourself...then life sucks! eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it! I will throw chocolate at your chocoholics anonymous group! and lets be honest...when you say no to something to eat it more and want it more! maybe im just a fatty!

stef j. said...

i'll come ... if there are chocolate refreshments

Deborah Austin said...

Oh I am there with you on that one!!! Chocolate is a must! You got to enjoy sometimes atleast a little:)