Sunday, June 22, 2008

Congratulations Tamara and Chris

I just got a call from one of my best friends from home and she told me she is pregnant with a little girl due in November. It is her first!!! I am so excited for her! I love this girl to death and miss her so much. We have been best friends since we were just babies and I love how no matter how far apart we are or how long we go with out talking we can just pick up where we left off. This picture is from her fun Jamaican get away with her hubby Chris. A funny memory I have with Tamara is when we were in Jr. High we use to write each other letters, I know what you are thinking, every young girl does that, right. But these were not just any letters they were like 10 + pages long, and on top of that we called each other and saw each other every day at school. I guess what they say about girls is true we have to get in our 2000 words a day and maybe for us it was like 5000 words a day. For what ever reason we felt the need to do this I am glad we did because I really got to know this awesome women and I can't wait to see her again in a month at our 10 year reunion!!! Congrats, and I love you and miss you Tamara!!!


Mama and Papa Wood said...

Congratulations to Tamara & Chris. I'm so happy for them! I had actually been thinking about her lately, wondering when she was going to be blessed with the opportunity to be a mother. Shanae, I may have to go to your reunion so that I can see all of your friends that I got to know so well when you were growing up.

Tamara said...

Shanae you're the greatest! Even though I miss you so much it really doesn't seem like we're even apart at all, I guess that's what happens when you're such good friends with someone that your souls are literally connected. Can't wait to see you in August!