Friday, June 13, 2008

Does it ever end?


I never had this problem with Kali, she NEVER spit up, seriously. OK maybe ONCE she did, but Krew is a spit up machine. No matter how well I burp him or try to keep him on his back, or whatever advice I have gotten and tried, it never faileth, he spits up every where. Kristy Southwick got a little taste of it last night, sorry Kristy. She is awesome and always wants to hold him, but I am sure last night she was wishing she hadn't. She left the baby shower smelling like Krew's throw up. I felt so bad. When I was at church last week he managed to miss the burp rag and get some on my shirt and skirt and I knew I had to smell. It helped me remember why I don't got shopping for really cute expensive clothes anymore it would just stress me getting spit up on all of them. So I pretty much have had to do laundry every other day. I really should do it every day but that never seems to get done. Thank you Aaron for taking care of the laundry for me today! I was freaking out, not only did Krew have tons of blankets and burp clothes that were soaked with his internal liquids, but he managed to blow out of his diaper all over his crib and clothes, it was the biggest explosion yet. And to top it all off, I forgot Kali took her pull-up off because she went for a night ride in the car with dad last night and she did NOT want her pull-ups on when she left the house, so I let her put on her underwear and forgot when she got home to have her put them back on so now I also have all of her bedding that needs to be done! AAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGHHHHH! It never ends!


.Ang. said...

I have a spit up machine and a bed wetter as well!!!!


I've also got some AMAZING laundry soap bars that work GREAT for the blown through diaper messes!!!.. AND they also work great on all the shirts that Brylie borrows from Kali!!! I'm always so paranoid that she is going to ruin her clothes, But so far, the bar has saved my life!!


Let me know if you want one I've got a few!!

Keiko said...

Isn't that amazing that from those little body, A LOT of spit ups are possible??? I hope Dr. can prescribe you washing machine!!! I hear many of them in Wymount have small washer. It's not allowed, but people has them anyways.

Anonymous said...

oh man. I have enough of a problem with just me and aaron!!

interestingly enough, i used to love doing laundry. until i move to TVA. all that walking, and paying. yuck.

anywho, i hope no one throws up or poops on anything for a whole week!! :)