Monday, June 16, 2008

James Birthday Celebration

We went to Castle Beach for James' birthday party. James took Brylie wave jumping and she loved it:) She did a really good job. Aaron took Kali out and you can see she was having a blast as well:) They both did have fun, I just got bad pictures where they both look like they were terrified. Drew, Brylie, and Kali were little girlfriends running around playing, surfing, throwing the football and playing in the water. They were so fun to watch playing together! It was such a fun day with lots of good friends. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMES!


Noelle said...

Our girls are so cute! I'm glad Kali and Brylie will have each other when we all move.

Keiko said...

I love the pic of girls on the surfboard! It's SO cute.

Erin said...

kalis poor face when being tossed! you have to send me all the pics you took k?! and ill send you all the ones I have? got it. so cute! thanks for was such a nice relaxing day...why do we not go to that beach more often?!