Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Song to Grandma

Kali told me she wanted to sing a song for Grandma, 

so here is Kali with her debut song entitled:

A Song to Grandma


I love to be with my family they are always happy,

but when not when I do bad things oh they love me,

truly does my family go to church with me they are always happy.

I always get my friends cuz I always play,

not if I be cranky then I have to take a nap. 

Not if I say to another thing the temple. 

The temple is special of Jesus Christ on it,

but Jesus Christ is special you can’t ever take a lot of thanks,

a lot of friends in of my friends I sometimes they be nice,

oh as I say oh they be nice to my family they don’t say their bad,

I’ll tell them whatever they say to my parents,

because I am the big girl that I tell my friends to not  say my family is rude,

because that makes Jesus sad. 

Oh cuz my family is my family oh cuz I like my family.


.Ang. said...

I LOVE IT! It's so fun to see what kinds of things are on the mind of a 3 year old! Looks like the gospel and family are at the top of that list! what a blessing!

oh, and I hope that her friends don't say your family is rude! haha WE LOVE YOU GUYS!


Mama and Papa Wood said...

Somehow I just missed seeing this until today. Wow, tell Kali Grandma is sooooo impressed with her song & what's on her mind. She is learning some wonderful things that will give her the foundation she needs. THANK YOU KALI for the wonderful song & THANK YOU SHANAE & AARON for teaching her so well!!! LOVE YOU, GRANDMA & MOM