Tuesday, March 11, 2008


We live in an ideal situation for kids. We have two buildings that face each other with about 8 apartments in each building. Between the two buildings is a walk way and grassy area all around. So every day any where from 3-7 pm all of the kids gather and play together, we bring out all of their bikes, balls, toy strollers whatever else they feel like playing with that day. This is nice for us mothers as well, because we can just get together and talk while the kids run around and play. Today was funny toward the end of them playing Adilyn says, "come on girlfriends!" And they all ran over to her house to watch a movie, they were all so excited and kept calling each other girlfriends. It was cute! We laughed pretty hard. Girlfriends from left to right Ella, Kali, Drew, Lili, Brylie and Adilyn.


.Ang. said...

Those are some cute kids!!!

David and Kira said...

Girls are so fun! Melanie has a preschool group of 5 girls. They are getting old enough now that they get little attitudes and sometimes I wonder where they learn it. Must just be a girl thing!

Hauni said...

I love that they have princess dresses on over their clothes! So cute.

Leah Remillet said...

Thats my Adi girl, the little hostess. She loves the idea of having her friends over anytime she can... and in Princess dresses with popcorn - Could it get any better? I'm so glad that Adi and Ella have such great little GIRLFRIENDS! What will we do when we move back to normal life. This really is the most idea situation in the world for al of us. I always look forward to play time outside!

Erin said...

they look like those little orphan kids in those weird infomercials. because none of them are smiling! so funny.
adi isn't hostess, she is bossy mybosserson!
i wish we could all have girl play like that.