Sunday, November 2, 2008


Halloween was a busy week for us. Monday - D and E building Halloween party, Tuesday - gymnastics (in costumes), Thursday - Trunk or Treat for Kali's school, and Friday - HALLOWEEN. By the time Friday night rolled around all us mummies were worn out, however, we still took the little ones out for an hour and a half running from door to door down Moana Street, filling their little buckets full of candy. Kali was a little nervous at first but QUICKLY got the hang of it and even told me as we were approaching a home, "mom, stay here, I can do this myself." Tear, she is all grown up and trick or treating by herself.

1 comment:

Carly Andelin said...

Those pictures of Kali and Krew are so cute and hilarious! My mom and I got a GOOD laugh from looking at those. Halloween was fun this year dressing up two. I bet it was the same for you. :)