Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kali Time

For Kali's one on one time, she has been into games, which I HAVE LOVED!
My parents have about a million of them, so it is time to put them to good use.
We found this Disneyland game and Kali didn't want to stop playing it,
(probably because she is so good at it:)

BEFORE Aaron made is REALLY COOL LEGO house that I posted Kali and I had made these houses together.
Maybe they are not as cool as Aaron's but they were fun for us to put together.
(Kali really wanted them to have chimney's)
I really have been enjoying taking one child at a time and spending time with them,
letting them choose to do WHATEVER they want to do.

Of course I play with both of them together ALL the time since we are all home together.
But I have seen how much each of them really enjoy the one on one time I give to them.

This was something I really had a hard time with when Krew was born, feeling EXTREMELY
guilty for not being able to give Krew the one on one time I had been giving Kali for 2 years.

And finding the time to give Krew his one on one time when Aaron is gone during the week is hard,
I can't just tell Kali to go away, (how sad) so I finally found something that works.
Luckily Krew wakes up before Kali, that is our golden time:) (our ONLY time)

Luckily I have 7 more months where I get to enjoy this and than when #3 comes along ???
back to the feeling of guilt:(
no hopefully I will figure something out


Jessica said...

you will have more than enough one on one time during the middle of the night:)

BriAnne said...

I love that you do this. I think I need to try it, however, I can't figure out how to do it with three when only Haylee takes a nap. Hmmmm.....

Unknown said...

I hear you! I think about that daily! And with only 9 weeks til #4 it will be interesting! I have thought about it with getting the kids into activities where I would love to do them with them but what to do with the other two during that time...We do lots of reading together, playdoh, coloring and the older two are into scissors so I try and do that stuff but still feel guilty about the one on one!!

Shanae said...

I know, I guess as long as we do our best just playing with our children, and let them choose their chose of play every once in awhile whether or not we always get the one on one time, that will be good. No need to feel guilty, right? :)

Mama and Papa Wood said...

No need to feel guilty! You do the best you can & the Lord will make up the difference for you. You're doing a wonderful job...and I'm happy to hear you are making good use of all those toys & games I saved for the grandchildren! LOVE YOU!