Thursday, May 20, 2010

mall trip

A few weeks ago the kids and I were stuck in the house with that norovirus that is going around and so after we all finally felt better,
it was time to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!
So we spent the day at the mall. Playing on the playground,
riding the rides
taking pictures, eating and exploring.
The kids decided they needed these balls from a claw machine which
as we all know I am pretty confident at.
So I thought sure, $1.00 a ball sounds good to me.
$2.00 later we had a ball for each of them.
Let me tell you, if you have never won a toy from the claw machine this is the most elementary machine out there,
I am pretty sure ANYONE could win this.
The ball is so big and sticky that it is very easy for the claw to grab.

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