Saturday, May 1, 2010


Kali and Krew love to watch their Auntie Cori play basketball, they love to cheer for her and they like to practice so one day they can be just like her. Luckily Grandma Tami got Kali and Krew some cool new shoes that will help them run faster and jump higher.
Kali is like 90% inside the paint :) She like to pretend there is 3 seconds left in the game and she has to make the last shot to win the game. :)

When the game is over she has to eat her banana so she will grow strong muscles, that is what she told me :)


janica said...

haha so cute. love em.

Crystal & Brandon said...

that is so cute!!!!!

liko said...

it's amazing to watch your kids get bigger through the pictures. krew is so big!

Ckaz and Jamie Anderson said... are you?? we miss you guys most esp. kalli and krew. they're growing up so fast!!! WE LOVE YOU!!