Monday, June 30, 2008

Modest is HOTTEST!

LITERALLY, We live in Hawaii and it is the middle of the summer but my little girl Kali REFUSES to wear anything that does not go over her knees. Luckily my mom had sent us a couple of outfits and grandma Tami sent us a couple of outfits that are capri's and leggings so that is ALL she will wear. Her wardrobe consists of dozens of adorable skirts that she will NOT wear, because she says, "they are bothering me" as she tugs at them trying to get them below her knees. She pretty much has five outfits that she will wear and two of them are long sleeve shirts. I am not sure what is going on but I am pretty sure it has something to do with when my mom was here visiting for the birth of Krew, she must have given her a modesty lesson or brain washed her or something:) Just kidding mom:) Any who, I guess it is fine she is learning modesty at a young age and she hasn't died of heat stroke yet, so we are good:) I guess it is time to go on a shopping spree for tons of capri's, I can't do laundry fast enough to keep up with ONLY wanting to wear these same clothes and she freaks out if I even suggest something else. HOW DARE I.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jocelyn Kaila Williams

Angie and I took the kids to go see Hillary and her new bundle of joy! The beautiful Jocelyn Kaila Williams. She is so pretty. She has black hair, beautiful olive skin and red lips:) Hillary was doing really well and it was so fun to see her. I am excited because she is supposed to come home today!! Congratulations Hillary and Derek, your little one is so precious and perfect, she is beautiful! After a visit with Hillary we took the kids to the mall and let them play on the play area and then Kali and Brylie got their nails done at this fun little store, Lil' Miss Trend-E. It is so cute they can get their makeup done or hair or nails for free and for a small fee they can get all dressed up and take pictures. We decided we will have to go back with some of her girlfriends and get glamored up and then get pictures. As soon as Lili gets back from Arizona we decided we would take all the little girl friends and go. We have started finding some fun things that doesn't cost to much if you split the cost between a group that the kids would love, another thing is horse back riding, Kali loves that and at gunstock you can rent a pony for an hour and fifteen minutes and the kids can ride it as much as they want in that time, something else Kali will love to do. I love finding all these little fun things for Kali to do! I love Hawaii!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Refreshing Day

On Tuesday we spent the day with the Crosby family at Hawaiian Waters. What a fun place. Kali could not get enough of the water slides she was all over the place and she wanted to do them all by herself and she did. They have a little water park for kids to play, so it was perfect for Kali and Kaiya just to run in the water and go on all the kid slides. Chad and Melissa swapped babysitting with Aaron and I so we got to go on some rides together and so did they. It was so fun, Aaron said, "it is like we are dating again." It was so much fun!!! Thanks to Chad and Melissa for being such awesome friends:) We love you guys!!!

Hillary's Week

Monday was Hillary's baby shower in Hawaii Kai (a.k.a. rich part of Oahu) and it was amazing. Amazing house with an amazing view, AMAZING food, great company. It was so much fun and Hillary got so much cute stuff for little Jocelyn, who has already arrived, yesterday June 25th at 10:55 pm. She is 6 lbs. 15 oz. and 20 inches long. I am so excited to go visit her tomorrow morning in the hospital :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Congratulations Tamara and Chris

I just got a call from one of my best friends from home and she told me she is pregnant with a little girl due in November. It is her first!!! I am so excited for her! I love this girl to death and miss her so much. We have been best friends since we were just babies and I love how no matter how far apart we are or how long we go with out talking we can just pick up where we left off. This picture is from her fun Jamaican get away with her hubby Chris. A funny memory I have with Tamara is when we were in Jr. High we use to write each other letters, I know what you are thinking, every young girl does that, right. But these were not just any letters they were like 10 + pages long, and on top of that we called each other and saw each other every day at school. I guess what they say about girls is true we have to get in our 2000 words a day and maybe for us it was like 5000 words a day. For what ever reason we felt the need to do this I am glad we did because I really got to know this awesome women and I can't wait to see her again in a month at our 10 year reunion!!! Congrats, and I love you and miss you Tamara!!!

Happy Birthday baby J!

J had his 1st birthday part yesterday at Gunstock Ranch. It was a pirates and princess theme, that is why Auntie Jackie is was all dressed up, we showed up a little late because we came after graduation. We went with Melissa and Kaiya. The kids had fun petting the horses, playing on the saddle swing, roping the cow and of course eating chips. That is all Kali wanted to eat. She got her self a plate and put a few chips on it and then went back for more, over and over again. I guess she was loading up since I never buy chips, she was in chip heaven. The picture of her and Jackie makes me laugh because he would not look at the camera, she wasn't sure what to think about Jackie's teeth, but in the picture it is like she is saying, "oh, I can't look, I am so embarrassed!" HA!


Yesterday was a fun and exciting day for all of the newest BYU-Hawaii graduates. It was one year ago that I was celebrating finally finishing school!! It was fun to go with Kali and give lei's to all of our friends. We new about 20 people who graduated. Crystal is one of my best friends out here, we met in WSI class and from there we had several classes together since we were both EXS majors. She is now done!! Congratulations, but lucky for me she will still be around since her hubby still has more school. YEAH!!!!

On a sad note, James the other one pictured is leaving with wife Erin to Arizona tomorrow and I am sad about that, he is going off in the world to become a Dentist. They were awesome friends and I am sad they are leaving, but I am excited for them as well to start new adventures!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Krew is 3 months

Here is my big boy, he is 15 lbs. 12 ounces. He is such a happy boy, always smiling, baby talking and laughing. He loves to play on his tummy and he constantly has some sort of liquid coming out of his mouth. He is a leaky faucet. I am so thankful for this little man, I LOVE HIM!!! He shows his love in return by sleeping 8-12 hrs. through out the night. Thanks little man!!:)

10 year High School Reunion

Yes, it is true, in one month is my 10 year high school reunion. I know that really ages me for those of you who thought I was so young!!!:) I stole this picture from Jane's blog. This was our powder puff team, and if I remember correctly we took 1st place all four years. Actually, we may have taken 2nd one year, but I don't know, I can't remember, that was ages ago and I am old, REMEMBER! We were awesome though, I just remember everyone was scared of us:)
We are going to make it so no one else has any excuses why they can not be there!!!:)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Father's Day continued....

I had thought of these pictures for my Father's Day tribute, but I didn't find the CD until today. They are from three years ago on Aaron and my wedding day. The first one is of me and my Father-in-law showing off our blue steal , the next one is with my dad cracking up about something and the last one is Aaron and I jumping for joy. So now a little about my Father-in-law. David Jones. He has a great sense of humor and always makes me laugh. He has a good relationship with God and always talks to us about the Bible. He is always concerned about us and how we are doing. He taught Aaron, respect and good work ethic which I am so grateful for. He is a wonderful man and I love him very much, I am grateful to have such a wonderful Father-in-law.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Jayce Dillon Wood

My brother Brandon and sister in law Veronica just had a little boy on June 11 at 1:37 pm. He was 8 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 inches long. Congratulations, he is so handsome!

Amazing Friends

I have needed to post this for months now but have dragged my feet because I knew it was take some time and thought. I guess I just wanted it to be perfect since these to girls have done so much for me and I wanted to thank them properly. This post could go on forever, but I will attempt to just list a few of the things that these girls have done for me while here in Hawaii. Both of these fabulous women put on Krew's baby shower and my 28th birthday party. They both have been there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on or some one to laugh with, shop with, hit the beach, go on a walk, babysit my kids, watch a movie, go out to dinner, or just stay up and talk till wee hours in the morning etc. etc. the list goes on. Anytime I need to turn to someone, I know I can count on them! Thank you so much, and for that I will be forever grateful. These two women live right next to each other in K building apartments, Erin lives right above Hillary. They are both pregnant with their first child!! YEAH and congratulations. Hillary is due in 14 days and Erin is due in 31 weeks.

Sadly Erin is moving away and leaving this beautiful island on Monday to Arizona to start a new life. I just want her to know she will be missed and that I am so thankful for her friendship.

Hillary and Derek have made me endless Sunday dinners all of which have been FABULOUS. I am so excited because they are going to move in right below us in our apartment complex!! So now she will be closer!!! I am excited to get to see her experience her first child and am glad I will be so close to help if needed!! Maybe I can give back a little, since she has done SOOOOO MUCH for me!

I love both of you and THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Basketball and friends

I finally got to play basketball again after over a year!! It was fun. The school had a girls three on three tournament and so Crystal, Ashley, Kaitlin (not pictured, she sprained her ankle in the second game):) and I played on a team. Kali enjoyed playing around with the basketball and her and Brylie bounced the ball to each other and cheered us on! Thanks to Crystals wonderful sister Paige and husband Brandon who watched Krew for me while I was playing and thanks to Mike for watching Kali!

Fruit and Yogurt Parfait

This is Kali's favorite thing EVER!!!! Most kids see those golden arches and scream for french fries or a hamburger or what ever else they scream for there.:) Not Kali she wants a fruit and yogurt parfait!

A few other things about Kali, she thinks it is funny to ask me what kind of animals she can ride. It all started about a month ago when we went to the zoo and she wanted to ride the elephants, I told her they wouldn't let her do that at the Honolulu Zoo, but when we visit grandma Tami in California we can ride elephants. Then it was on to, "can I ride, zebras, monkeys, bears, hippos, giraffes?" any animal we see, she wants to know if she can ride it. When we were watching little mermaid the other day, "can I ride mermaids? Flounder? Sebastian?" It is the never ending question!


Kali, Krew and I spent a fun day at the PCC. I went there this morning to get some tickets not even planning on hanging out today, but Kali insisted, and I am glad she did, it was really fun and made me realize we need to do this a lot more. Might as well use our season passes since we have them. We chose to do the island of Aotearoa (New Zealand) today. I figure each time we go we can learn a different island, so today was Aotearoa. Here is a little on the island and their culture that we learned today. I pulled this from the PCC website:

Kia Ora...and welcome to — the Polynesian Cultural Center's islands of Aotearoa, or the "Land of the Long White Cloud" as the New Zealand Maori call their homeland of the past 1,000 years. Aotearoa forms the southwestern apex of the Polynesian Triangle and is the only part of Polynesia to experience four seasons. Consequently, you'll notice the Maori — whose name means the "true people" — created significantly different housing and lifestyles than their Polynesian cousins in the tropical islands. Oh, and yes, the appropriate response to a Maori greeting, which means "good health," is also Kia Ora.

The activities they offer here are twirling poi balls which Kali had a fun time doing and learning a Maori stick game called tititorea, it is designed to help develop hand-eye coordination. You toss the sticks back and forth between two people. Kali did a good job! They also do tattoos here. There was a long line, so I told Kali next time we would let her get tatted up and show her daddy:)

We watched the IMAX movie Coral Reef Adventure and then had some ice cream where we ran into Sara Duffin. She works at the Ko'Olina Resort time share kiosk, so we talked to her for a while then we decided to take the canoe ride which Kali was sooooo excited about, she wanted to see the fishes and touch all the tunnels that we went through.

Kali was so helpful and pushed Krew all around which was nice because by the time we were ready to go home she crashed in the stroller and I had a peaceful walk home:)

Monday, June 16, 2008

James Birthday Celebration

We went to Castle Beach for James' birthday party. James took Brylie wave jumping and she loved it:) She did a really good job. Aaron took Kali out and you can see she was having a blast as well:) They both did have fun, I just got bad pictures where they both look like they were terrified. Drew, Brylie, and Kali were little girlfriends running around playing, surfing, throwing the football and playing in the water. They were so fun to watch playing together! It was such a fun day with lots of good friends. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMES!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I want to say Happy Father's Day to my Father and to the Father of my children, my husband. Both of these men are amazing and have blessed my life in so many ways. They are my hero's. I am so grateful to have such amazing men in my life. I am so glad we have a special day to honor them.

To my dad, thank you for always listening to me and for counseling me through out my life, you have helped me through so much and continue to be a huge support. Thank you for the wonderful example you are to me and my family. I appreciate all you have done and continue to do for me and my family. Thank you for your example in the gospel, you have an amazing testimony and I am grateful for you always being an honorable priesthood holder. You have given me many blessings that have helped give me comfort and guidance. I have always looked up to you. I love you!

To my husband, you are my best friend. I am so glad I have you in my life to help me through the good and the bad. I could not have picked a better man to spend eternities with. Thank you for honoring your priesthood and blessing our home with a worthy priesthood holder. I love watching you with our children, they just adore you and they watch your every move, literally! Especially little Kali she loves to do everything that daddy does! I love you so much!
Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Phil and Ted's VIBE

Here is my new stroller. Aaron got it for me and I have to say, "I LOVE IT!" Kali wasn't really a stroller baby, we just carried her everywhere, so Aaron nor I understood the importance of a stroller when you have TWO children. I had mentioned it too him several times after having Krew that it was just to stressful trying to go places and juggle the kids without a stroller and it was just not working. He still didn't understand until we went on a family outing and it only took one stop and he REALIZED we need a stroller, so I found the perfect one for me. I take the kids jogging in the mornings and they are both comfortable and happy, well Krew just sleeps and Kali usually does pretty good, but it is nice, it just has so many options, the kids can be laying all the way down, or reclined, etc. and it fits in the back of the car, through door ways, in bathrooms, IT IS AWESOME! Thank you Aaron for understanding and getting me this new piece of heaven, now I can go anywhere and not have to juggle two kids in my arms!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Does it ever end?


I never had this problem with Kali, she NEVER spit up, seriously. OK maybe ONCE she did, but Krew is a spit up machine. No matter how well I burp him or try to keep him on his back, or whatever advice I have gotten and tried, it never faileth, he spits up every where. Kristy Southwick got a little taste of it last night, sorry Kristy. She is awesome and always wants to hold him, but I am sure last night she was wishing she hadn't. She left the baby shower smelling like Krew's throw up. I felt so bad. When I was at church last week he managed to miss the burp rag and get some on my shirt and skirt and I knew I had to smell. It helped me remember why I don't got shopping for really cute expensive clothes anymore it would just stress me getting spit up on all of them. So I pretty much have had to do laundry every other day. I really should do it every day but that never seems to get done. Thank you Aaron for taking care of the laundry for me today! I was freaking out, not only did Krew have tons of blankets and burp clothes that were soaked with his internal liquids, but he managed to blow out of his diaper all over his crib and clothes, it was the biggest explosion yet. And to top it all off, I forgot Kali took her pull-up off because she went for a night ride in the car with dad last night and she did NOT want her pull-ups on when she left the house, so I let her put on her underwear and forgot when she got home to have her put them back on so now I also have all of her bedding that needs to be done! AAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGHHHHH! It never ends!

Kali's Movies

Kali has never been a huge movie watcher, I have the hardest time getting her to sit and watch a movie all the way through, but we finally found a few that she really enjoy. The first movie she ever sat through (this was about 4 months ago) was Barbie the Island Princess, and she would want to watch it at least twice a day, this lasted for about a month until her friend Lilli introduced her to Barbie's Princess and the Pauper, then that was her favorite for a while, lately her choice is the Bee Movie, which her Grandma Wood gave to her and for nap times and sometimes before bed she likes to watch Veggie Tales, which she got from her Auntie Hillary! It is nice to have a few movies she will sit through when I need to try and accomplish something in the house, because most of the time she just wants to get Brylie from down stairs and go to the playground.